(HealthNewsDigest.com) – The concept “you are what you eat” applies not only to physical health, but also to mental health. Diet affects ideas, perceptions and even dreams.
Eating a raw food diet definitely provides the nutrients the brain needs to get rid of brain fog, make the mind sharper and give one a “competitive edge” at work. One’s short-term memory sharpens. Concentration and mental stamina improve. A raw fooder is also more alert, as excessive energy expenditure needed for digestion of cooked food is spared. The raw fooder doesn’t fall asleep after eating dinner.
Raw food activist Viktoras Kulvinskas warns us, “When one eats a heavy meal, his energy goes from his head to his stomach.” Digestion of cooked foods or unnatural foods consumes a great deal of energy.
The clean body of a raw fooder thus contributes to a pure mind.
Dr. Edward Howell, who studied the role played by food enzymes for over 50 years, found a connection between enzyme deficiency in diet, typical of cooked food diets, and a decrease in brain size and weight. He also found that the brain becomes smaller under the influence of obesity. Obesity generally vanishes with a raw food diet.
As you increase the fresh, raw food in your diet, you will notice an increase in positive thinking. This is partly because your body is being nourished properly, and the energy previously expended in digesting cooked food is now being used to cleanse your body of toxins. Especially if you do not overdo the phosphorus-containing, acidic foods (meat, nuts, seeds, grains, beans) and eat plenty of fresh, green, leafy vegetables, your body will alkalize, automatically creating the conditions for more powerful, positive thinking.
Visualization exercises, imagination and meditation will all happen much more easily. In time, your inherent psychic abilities may even blossom. Your natural intuition and instincts will sharpen. Decisions can be made with more clarity. Synchronicity will bring things into your life with ease and flow.
In his classic book Mucusless Diet Healing System, Professor Arnold Ehret wrote, “If your blood stock is formed from eating the foods I teach, your brain will function in a manner that will surprise you. Your former life will take on the appearance of a dream, and for the first time in your existence, your consciousness awakens to a real self-consciousness. . . . Your mind, your thinking, your ideals, your aspirations and your philosophy change fundamentally.”
David Wolfe, prominent raw food author and publicist, says, “Raw food nutrition returns to you lost powers and abilities. I like to say that it bestows superhuman abilities — especially in physical endurance, clarity of thought and sixth sense perception.” He sometimes works with corporate leaders to teach employees about this. He knew a man who was a raw food enthusiast for 37 years and became the number one insurance salesman for his company out of a field of 13,000 people. Nobody could compete with him.
Creativity may also increase. Raw food author Joe Alexander paints this intriguing, poetic picture of life on raw foods, “As an artist, when I ate cooked foods, I painted bleak, grotesque surrealist-type pictures with drab and dull, muddy colors .-.-. but when I became a raw food eater, all of a sudden I began to paint instead vibrantly alive pictures with lush abundance of healthy shapes and brilliantly beautiful colors” (Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda! p. 75). Joe created the painting depicted on the front cover of this book.
Valya Boutenko was in third grade and unable to concentrate on reading for longer than fifteen minutes at a time when her parents made her switch to a raw diet. Once her body became fully nourished with live food, she could read five hours at a time. “The biggest change I noticed from going on raw food is that I gained much mental clarity. I was amazed to discover that I can understand every subject. I’m sixteen and in college now. It’s easy for me to write essays now for my writing class” (Eating without Heating, Sergei and Valya Boutenko, p. 13).
Leslie Kenton, health and beauty editor of the British periodical Harpers & Queen, and her daughter Susannah found that on a high-raw diet, they could write and research efficiently for seven or eight hours rather than just three or four as before (Raw Energy, p. 81).
Being a raw fooder somehow also makes people more open-minded. This is undoubtedly because the brain is clearer; however, I think it is also because taking such a radical leap makes a person begin to wonder if there are not other mental leaps to be taken and adventures to experience.
Joe Alexander declares that raw food eaters live in a more real world. “Their attitudes and opinions become transformed, energized by the reality of the Life-Force, whereas in most cooked food eaters, their attitudes and desires and opinions are programmed into their minds by parents, school, friends, clubs, organizations et al. and thus come from a very limited and superficial reality indeed, not from the deeper wisdom and reality of Nature at all” (Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda! p. 59).
Mental health is tremendously enhanced. Many raw fooders find that they become freed from former addictions. For many, the desire to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol or do drugs (prescription as well as recreational) falls away as the body becomes healthier: one experiences a natural high. Furthermore, those who work with juvenile delinquents and former prisoners have found that abnormal nutrition alone can contribute tremendously to the creation of a criminal mind. Children behave much better in school when on raw diets. Hyperactivity ceases, and brains fed with raw foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as flaxseed) are able to focus better.
Part of the reason a raw food diet helps a person so much mentally is not only because live foods feed the brain, but also because unnatural foods are eliminated from the diet. (See Appendix A.) Working for several decades at the Hippocrates Health Institute, Brian Clement has seen mental problems like paranoia, depression, manic depression and schizophrenia disappear on raw foods combined with psychological therapy. Over the years, he found out that mental illness is exacerbated by hormonal imbalances from eating meat pumped with hormones, pesticide poisoning from commercial produce and a high level of body acidity from eating animal and processed foods. Eating a raw, organic diet is directly linked to the amelioration or elimination of these problems.
Susan Schenck, LAc, MTOM, is a raw food coach, lecturer, and author of 2-time award-winning book, The Live Food Factor, The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet, known as the encyclopedia of the raw food diet. Susan is offering a multitude of free bonus gifts at Live Food Factor Special Offer with the purchase of just one book.
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