(HealthNewsDigest.com)-You may be able to take better baby pictures if you heed a few hints from Nick Kelsh, renowned photographer and best-selling author:
“Simplicity is the secret ingredient to creating a great photo of your child,” says Kelsh. “People with new babies don’t have time to learn about f-stops and shutter speeds.”
Don’t Fear the Close-Up: By zooming in, you eliminate distracting clutter and put all the attention on your baby.
Natural Light Is Key: Experiment with turning off your flash. Use soft natural sidelighting from a window or a doorway. It’s dramatic and flattering. After all, light is what Rembrandt built a career around.
Increase the Odds: When that supercute baby decides to be, well, supercute-just keep pushing the button. Increase the luck factor. Sometimes, thinking just slows you down. The more pictures you take, the luckier you get. It’s not unreasonable to take a hundred pictures to get one great one.
You can learn more from Kelsh’s “How to Photograph Your Baby” DVD. It’s available at www.howtophotographyourbaby.com.
A great picture of your baby can be a photographic version of “I love you.”
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