(HealthNewsDigest.com)-With “Super Lice” becoming resistant to toxic chemicals and pesticides, doctors and nurses are recommending safe, natural products that effectively prevent and remove lice.
This year, the CDC estimates that 6 to 12 million children will be infested with lice.
Check and prevent:
• Check hair weekly under a bright light.
• Comb through by hair sections-around the ears, back of neck and part lines. Look for tiny bugs or grayish-colored, rice-sized nits, or eggs, that hang on hair shafts near the scalp.
• Instruct children not to share hats, combs or pillows.
• Keep long hair in ponytails or braids.
Use only tested prevention products. A 2009 independent study by Lice Solutions Resource Network, a nonprofit research organization in Florida, confirmed that “Rosemary Repel products have a highly effective repelling effect in protecting children’s hair from lice.”
Nevertheless, should an infestation occur, the all-natural Lice Good-Bye removal system uses yeast enzymes to dissolve nit “glue” so nits wash out easily without harmful, lice-resistant chemicals.
For a free “Facts of Lice” booklet, visit www.fairytaleshaircare.com.
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