(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Confession: When I was a little girl, I used to sneak into the garden and eat all the carrots—and I mean all of them. It was no secret who did it: I was only about four, and I’d leave the telltale carrot tops lying around as evidence of my consumption. My mother would lecture me about sharing, but I now know—as a mother myself—that she was really glowing with satisfaction. What mama wouldn’t want her child to “sneak” carrots instead of a Twinkie or cupcake?
In this age of iPods, cell phones, and the Wii, many parents feel it’s nearly impossible to get their children excited about the outdoors—and we won’t even talk about their lack of enthusiasm for veggies. But kids are interested in nature—they (and we parents, too) just might be too over-stimulated to notice.
Younger kids are naturally drawn to the dirt, essentially creating mud baths whenever the opportunity arises. Older children might not be as into getting dirty, but they definitely are interested in receiving rewards for their work (um, allowance anyone?), and nothing is quite as rewarding as growing your own food.
Read the whole article here.
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