Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon July 21, 2009
New Moon July 21, 2009
10:35 pm EDT
7:35 pm PDT
29:27 Cancer Sun and Moon
( – The July New Moon is an Solar eclipse! Eclipses happen when the Sun and the Moon join within 10 degrees of the transiting Lunar Nodes. The Sun, Moon and Earth line up in a giant can-can dance in the heavens. They kick up their heels. They kick up the energy of change in our lives and off we go! Eclipses are known through out history to mark the beginnings and ends of cycles, movements, governments and leaders. Follow the degree of the nodes, 0 Aquarius/Leo and the lunation, 29 Cancer Sun and Moon to see the areas impacted in your own chart. There is a beginning and an ending taking place in that section of your chart.
(Anne’s website: or AnneOrtelee
The eclipse as Pluto goes back to 0 Capricorn for the third and final time will ask those who don’t want to move forward with us through Capricorn’s journey to exit stage left. They will leave our lives in any number of ways, including by death. South Node eclipses are releasing eclipses as they take place on the Node of Karma. This eclipse marks the end of a major karmic cycle for all of us.
The people who leave your life under this eclipse have contributed what they can and now are moving on to new chapters in their lives. Or perhaps you have to leave someone’s life. You’ve contributed what you can to their life and now it is time for you to move along to your next chapter, without them by your side. Evolution. Major, major life changes take place under this eclipses.
The eclipse is part of the 11 South series. According to Bernadette Brady’s book, The Eagle and the Lark, the cycle began on June 14, 1360 and ends July 20, 2604 “This family of eclipses is concerned with the need to make sudden reforms. Old ideas or methods will fail and new systems are required to deal with the events brought by the eclipse. As a consequence the person will need to think of new ways of handling the issues. Any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.
It is a SOUTH node eclipse meaning things LEAVE your life or appear to leave your life to permit you to move forward in your life with out them. The Sun and the Moon form their monthly union near to the south node of life’s karma, past lives and obsessions in this life. The eclipse is total and visible over India and China, making those the hot spots of the world. The totality of the eclipse runs for 7 minutes which corresponds to the events taking place or beginning on the eclipse being active in our lives for seven years. As you can see, the eclipse cycle started many years ago, in 1360 and ends in the distant future of 2604. It has marched from the South Pole towards the North Pole bringing reforms and changes to the vision of who we are.
So how do you apply the energy of the eclipse to your life? I’ve been talking to numerous clients about casting out to the universe to release things they no longer need and to create their new dreams on the upcoming eclipse. IT IS A NEW MOON TOO! So it represents a beginning as well as an ending.
Take the time to meditate on what you’d like to manifest in your life. Give yourself and the universe a concrete, cardinal, and solid earthy list of what you would like to have come into your life. Give the universe a concrete, cardinal and emotional list of things you like to let go. It is a great moon for releasing addictions to things, people, drugs, alcohol or bad habits. As always, be careful and clear about what you wish for. Working with eclipse energies tend to make things happen even faster than usual! Sit yourself down with the heavens and include representatives of the elements, air, fire, water and earth. Ask, out loud, and include the caveat of your desires being in service to and alignment with or towards your higher or greater good.
The chart completely supports “release and recreate energy” as Pluto retrogrades back and talks with the Sun and Moon by inconjunct, you will adjust your ask or revise it towards a new direction. I DO caution you to add to the “ask energy” the disclaimer ~ “as long as it is for my higher good!” During energies like these we tend to WANT stuff that might not be the best thing for our being or our soul. And then when the stuff we ask for arrives in the service of an eclipse (karmic shifts) it tends to have that “stick with us” kind of cosmic glue that nodes create. I call it that giant sucking sound. So ask, but ask wisely.
The eclipse chart is interesting when cast for Washington, D.C. The Sun and Moon fall in the fifth house of children, creativity, new ideas and change. They are separating from a trine to Uranus, in the first house, offering more opportunity to mix it up and revise old habits. The Sun and Moon are in Cancer. Cancer is one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac. It represents our most primal desires and needs. Cancer is about nurturing, caretaking, and raising the children when they are babies. Cancer is the mother principle at its most basic. Who loves you and who is going to feed you, hold you, change your diaper and rub your back when you are stressed. Cancer rules the stomach and the bath room where our most private and primal rituals of nurturing and cleansing take place.
Cancer rules the house of preverbal times ~ back when we were helpless infants and unable to ask for what we wanted. We could only cry and hope that our caretaker ~ our mother, father, sibling or baby sitter ~ would figure out what was making us so distressed and unhappy. And, once they figured it out, we wanted them to fix it for us. We couldn’t get up and change our own diaper. We were dependent on THEM to do it for us. Cancer is where we can feel very dependent and connected to someone ELSE to fill our emotional needs.
The eclipse leavings will take place in that Cancer area of our life. People or situations that were part of our nurturing are leaving us. We are going to have to take care of our own emotional needs ~ or we are learning we may not be able to rely on the old caretakers the way we used to. They aren’t there for us any more. We have to grow up in that area of our life now.
The Gang of Three traveling through Aquarius are in the 12th house. Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron, on a good day, are all about expansion of your spiritual gifts, desires and healings. On a bad day, they are about addictions, desires run amok and lack of boundaries. On this eclipse, they offer us an opportunity to drop bad old addictive behaviors. We may also be tempted to START UP those bad old behaviors as the changes in our lives will drive us to seek nurturing in whatever form we can find it. And our addictions often nurture us in a strange but comforting manner. It is a great eclipse for releasing addictive habits that don’t serve you and moving toward better habits that support your growth and evolution.
The Moon is parallel by declination to the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. This means there is ENORMOUS communication going on between the personal planets. You are going to SO GET IT, whatever IT is, under this New Moon. You are going to SO see your old patterns and behaviors for what they are and how they help or hinder you. Mercury’s sextile to Mars further supports the getting it and then being able to take action on it to change it.
All the things in our lives exist in our life for a purpose. We learn from it. We teach it. It helps us understand who we are and what we are here for. The extra communication between the personal planets under the eclipse offers us a set of very fine microscopes and magnifying glasses to SEE what is going on. Once we SEE it, we will understand why we DESIRED it in the first place. Why, exactly, DID we want that so badly? Once we understand why we wanted it so much, we can assess whether we still need it or if we can ACT in the future with or without it. Or perhaps we can act in support of it, but without the same old emotional charge that it used to have? Consciousness.
Eclipses bring consciousness by throwing into sharp relief the issues and situations taking place in our lives. Eclipses light up those situations with a different set of lights. Eclipses permit us to understand WHY we are where we are on our path. They also point out the direction of healing or change in a very undeniable manner.
Ceres and Pallas are talking by semi-sextile. So, not ONLY are you going to SEE, DESIRE and ACT on your life, you are going to understand WHY you’ve created the patterns in your life that support you. The patterns and people are there because they nurtured you. In some manner or other, the patterns or people in your life were created because they brought you comfort. Now, you may be at a point where you no longer NEED to have them in your life to nurture you. That is totally cool. However, if they still offer a comforting snuggle on a hot summer’s day and they make you FEEL better, there is a great deal to be said for keeping them around. If they are NOT supporting you or if you don’t need the support in the same manner, you don’t have to BANISH them from your life. However, you do have to adjust HOW you interact with them. Both of you need to take more responsibility for YOUR role in the relationship. And both of you agree that changes need to be made.
Pattern recognition is the first step towards changing your life. Once you understand the pattern or the why of how things happen, you can intervene and either prevent or push towards a new or revised set of patterns in your life.
It is going to be a big eclipse! Remember, whatever happens, is for your greater good and moves you towards the next evolutionary step of your life. The losses or changes you sustain under it serve to remind you that life is short. Live abundantly! Do what you want to do with your life as it goes by SO very fast.
We are moving deeper into the solid reality of Pluto into get real, practical, structured, responsible and be accountable, down to earth, take action and names Capricorn. It is a very large energetic shift for all of us as well as the world. The eclipse will show us how and who will be traveling with us on our Capricorn journey. It is time for you to take responsibility for your actions. The time is now. Pluto is in Capricorn. Reality is here.
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian image for the eclipse and new moon is A DAUGHTER OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION
Commentary: ‘A Daughter of the American Revolution’ is an image of someone who stands for and is a product of change. She has promoted and adopted the changes that the ‘Revolution’ sought to achieve. ‘The American Revolution’, was a full-scale militant revolt against tradition, and the monarchy behind that tradition. The ‘Daughters” forefathers fought for Independence and took the “feudal system” head-on. The ‘Daughers’ stand for maintaining what has been won through this battle. They are needed to continue working and, although the war has largely been won, there are many more “peaceful” battles that must be waged in order to keep what the ‘Revolution’ fought for. They are not necessarily engaged in direct political or military activity, but offer their support to the powers that be. The alliance of their fathers’ political stance may be largely determined by their personal relationship to them, rather than their own political beliefs.
Oracle: A ‘Revolution’ is just the shakeup; it is the ‘Daughters’ (and sons) of the ‘Revolution’ that bring new ways into the world. The person pictured here is said to be a ‘Daughter’ because the way of continuing the revolution is with the feminine ways of communication, example and teaching. The ways of the “sons”, that of war and fighting, should be over and done with. That is, unless a battle needs to be fought to secure freedom from external forces once again. You may find yourself having to stand up for an ideal or a situation that demands your involvement. The difficulty is that these traditions are now predictable, conservative values. Despite any inner feelings of modern freedom, this is not how the situation now appears. However, although this image can be very conservative, can be an element of the “radical” within it. There still may be much yet to be achieved even though there has been major breakthroughs already.
Keywords: Being bound by social conditioning OR leading the charge to break down the barriers of tradition. Putting in the time to change social conditions for the betterment of all. The feminist movement. Sacrificing personal conviction to ambition. Sacrificing philosophy to a
relationship that builds the ego. Inherited values.
The Caution: Supporting battles that have already been fought. False feelings of superiority. Having to be “in the club” to be accepted as belonging. Narrow-minded conservatism. Glorifying the past. Relying on the old traditions that were, in their day, radical and transforming. Rejecting one’s inheritance.
The greatest glory of a freeborn people is to transmit that freedom to their children. William Harvard
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation and its destiny. South African proverb
A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won’t cross the street to vote in a national election. Bill Vaughan
Dear Mr. President, There are too many states nowadays. Please eliminate three. P.S. I am not a crackpot. Abraham Simpson
It is easy to take liberty for granted when you have never had it taken from you. M. Grundler
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. John F. Kennedy
They want to be free and they do not know how to be just. Abbe Sieyes
Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. A Course In Miracles
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbols appears with her permission. Check her work out at or
Copyright © 2009 A. C. Ortelee
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Where is the New Moon in my chart?
Look up your Sun’s sign and Ascendant’s sign to see where the New Moon is starting a brand new chapter in your life.
A new cycle begins on July 21, 2009.
On April 21, 2010, you will be tested and offered an opportunity to change or adjust projects begun under this moon.
On January 19, 2011, an eclipse, you’ll see the ripening of the projects at the Full Moon.
On October 20, 2011, you’ll harvest the results of this new moon. How cool is THAT!?
So take time on the New Moon to launch projects dear to your heart. Use the energy of the moon to grow your life in the areas described below.
The New Moon is in your Sixth House: Virgo ~ Earth Mutable Duty Substance
Work attitudes, health, habits, employment, employees, tenants, servants, co-workers, pets, dependents, service given to others, routine matters, clothes & how you wear clothes, hygiene, interest in food & diet, sickness, conditions affecting your health, aunts uncles, unconscious mind, high school years, apprenticeships, food, small animals, solar plexus, bowels, productivity, illness, healing, nutrition, food preparation, food served, tools, analysis, coping with stress, chores, duties, your feelings about employment, work output, applied discipline to self improvement, dedication, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, body functions, discipline, body cleansing, celibacy, bread, magic, harvest, criteria, file cabinet, knitting, luggage, ephemeris, napkin, telephone directory, skills
The New Moon is in your Fifth House: Leo – Fire Fixed Creativity Life
Children, love affairs, romance, pleasure, amusement, holidays, vacations, games, speculations, hobbies, avocations, emotional attitude, the love you give, enterprise, sports, originality, creative outlets, dramatic, literary and artistic ability, publication, politics, fine arts, social affairs, pregnancy, education of children, groups which have to do with fun, heart, back, pleasant things in life, mastery of self, self’s abilities, child rearing & molding & teaching, values imparted to children, teachers, theater, play, luck, prizes, winnings, drama, contrived emotions, laughter, celebrations, applause, humor, spontaneity, matters of the heart, popularity, toast
The New Moon is in your Fourth House: Cancer – Water Cardinal Security Endings
Home, parents (mother), family you came from, roots, home you will establish, heritage, heredity, ancestry, psychological roots, preverbal learning, private life, property, all things secluded, endings, closing years of life, fame after death, place of burial, your subjective self, foundation of your character, mines, land, property, environment, domestic affairs, the result of undertakings, breasts, stomach, digestive organs, tradition, early life, emotional attitudes in basic personality foundations, how you live, inner nature, fixed possessions, privacy, attitudes towards family, instinctive emotional motivations, emotional roots and origins, care and devotion received & strings attached to same, initial adjustment to life, ethnic traditions, family support, subjective building blocks of self, self-sufficiency, how you guard your space & property & work area, folklore, memories, sentimental, agricultural products, abundance of goods available, attachment to objects, hold you have on your possessions, fence, flags, phobias, rivers, midnight, nostalgia, scab
The New Moon is in your Third House: Gemini – Air Mutable Awareness Side by Side Relationships
Local neighborhood, brothers, sisters, communications, transportation vehicles, short trips, adaptability of mind to learning, taken for granted skills, conscious and objective parts of mind, grammar school, writings, mental inclinations and ability, shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, collar bones, nervous system, inner cleverness, limits to what you accept, learn, try, repeat, relearn, daily encounters, reading, writing, arithmetic, term papers, appropriateness of what you write and speak, wit, repartee, distribution of goods & systems, alibis, weather, variety, archetypes, air, books, barter, questions, mimicry, microphones, limericks, early education
The New Moon is in your Second House: Taurus – Earth Fixed Values Substance
Financial affairs, moveable possessions, investments, earning power, inner talents, skills, resources, self worth, values, emotional feelings, freedom, outer resources, throat and ears, benefit from material things, value of money earned, personal role of finances, personal and psychological worth, comforts, compensation, personal value placed on services rendered or given to others, material things balanced with inner happiness and spiritual needs, ownership, borrowing & lending of personal possessions, care you give to things you own, relaxation & comfort in material world, music, gifts you give, jewelry, flowers, wallet, serenity, thoughtfulness
The New Moon is in your First House: Aries – Fire Cardinal Identity Life Angular
Personality, disposition, individuality, how you express yourself, how you are seen, how you begin things, physical body, overall health, approach to life, appearance, bearing, beginnings of all enterprises, outlook, tendencies, self interest, worldly outlook, head and face, character, forming & presenting & maintaining identity, attitudes toward yourself, needs for recognition, enjoyment from personal risks, mannerisms, how to work with self, development & nurturing or abandonment of habits, nuances, styles, appearance, your name, forefront of anything, axe, arson, martial arts, loud things, male things, iron, guns, freshmen, point of view, missile, vigor
The New Moon is in your Twelfth House: Pisces – Water Mutable Subconscious Endings
Unknown or hidden strengths, weaknesses, sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind the scenes action, places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self- undoing, clandestine affairs, things we hide from others, research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid, karma, charity, sympathy, public welfare, closet or dustbin of horoscope ~ all the problems which are painful to face or difficulties we refuse to acknowledge, unseen & unexpected troubles, large animals, occult or hidden side of life, feet, charity, selfless deeds, drugs, alcohol, diffusion, rehabilitation, poverty, chains, conspiracies, ambush, analgesic, boots, litter, emancipation, desertion, clouds, chemicals, ESP, fog, kidnapping, eavesdropping, crying, miracles, masks
The New Moon is in your Eleventh House: Aquarius – Air Fixed Social Consciousness Group Relationships
Capacity for friendship, attitude towards friends, acquaintances, non emotional relationships, desire, goals, love received, money from profession, step-children, children of other people, foster children, adopted children, circumstances over which you have little control, humanitarian interests, way you see others, large & small organizations, clubs, associations related to career or work, ankles, informal relationships, cliques, gangs, syndicates, clusters, societies, brotherhood, shared convictions & beliefs, politics, civic matters, airport, balloting, political awareness, consensus, caucus, effecting change, oddities, eccentricity, bohemianism, networking, large machinery, office automation, assembly lines, labor saving devices, revolutions, electricity, astrology, chorus, surprise, perversity, junk food,
The New Moon is in your Tenth House: Capricorn – Earth Cardinal Honor Substance
Profession, reputation, standing in the community, ego, status, fame, promotion, ambition, business and social activities, employer, government, any authority over you, achievements, how the world sees and evaluates you, influence you have in own circle, parent (father), honor, knees, skin, cartilage, high standards, fulfillment, completions, recognition, setting & meeting goals, returns in kind for what earned, stature, esteem, maturity, father figures, mentors, bosses, consequences of actions, roadblocks, work done is rewarded, equal return for equal effort, bones, aim, time, Oscars, clock, landmarks, glory, vocation, quota, peak, skyscrapers, warts
The New Moon is in your Ninth House: Sagittarius – Fire Mutable Aspiration Life
Higher mind, super-conscious, religion, law, science, ideals, higher learning, college education, philosophy, psychology, profound mental study, dreams, visions, distant travel, foreigners, foreign dealings, commerce, big business, imports, exports, organized religions, clergy, in-laws, grandchildren, intuition, ethics, public opinion, lessons learned through living, places remote from birth, psychic experiences, education, higher development, scientific, philanthropic, spiritual tendencies, liver, thighs, experiment with life, go beyond your boundaries, different ways of thinking, legends, myths, moral courage, justice, the courts, jury, ceremonies of ritual, publishing, creeds, folklore, expedition, vistas, passports, hymn, gospel, wanderlust, wisdom, marketing, sports team, editor, gypsy
The New Moon is in your Eighth House: Scorpio – Water Fixed Regeneration Endings
Sex, death, taxes, Support from other people ~ financial, moral, spiritual, & physical. Legacies, trusts, wills, insurance matters, secrets, spiritual & physical regeneration, psychological rebirth, degeneration, occult matters, sleep, deep research, investigation, hidden assets, assets & financial affairs of partners, alimony, surgery, astral experiences, muscular system, bladder, sex organs, deep motivations, mutually sharing, obligations, emotional gifts, reciprocation, interchange, retaliation, compensation, swapping, giving, deep questions, is the exchange equal or not?, garbage, removal, eradication, uprooting, amputation, transformation, mystery, process of death, afterlife, reincarnation, soul travel, distillation, investigation, probing, analysis, depth, innards, core, conception, poison, peat
The New Moon is in your Seventh House: Libra – Air Cardinal Cooperation Face to Face Relationships
Business and marital partners, marriage, divorce, contracts, lawsuits, bargains, agreements, dealings with the public, public’s response to you, open enemies, cooperation with others, lack of cooperation, what you most lack in your self, attitudes towards marriage, your mate, kind and quality of your marriages, how many marriages, grandparents, people who act as your agent or on your behalf, public relations, unions, kidneys, ovaries, lower half of back, participation, interaction, oppositions, sharing, competition, compromise, fairness, others return what they feel you deserve, reconciliation, equality, alternatives, obstruction, blockages, withdrawal, behavior, manners, etiquette, social skills, how others help you or fight you, peace, harmony, tolerating differences, virtues, bitchiness, law suit
Anne is available for consultations in person or by phone.
Consultations are recorded on cds in wav files or on cassette tapes. They are sent out by email or snail mail.
Payment is by check, cash or PayPal for credit cards.
Anne’s rates as of February 1, 2008 are $130 per hour.
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Anne Ortelee Astrological Services | 1360 York Avenue 5N | New York | NY | 10021