When it comes to grilling vegetables, foil can help you shine.
(HealthNewsDigest.com)-From the White House to the home next door, an interest in homegrown produce is growing. Whether it’s to save money, eat healthier or get some exercise, gardens are the “in” thing. When your bountiful harvest comes in, you may be looking for ways to use it before you lose it. Try grilling vegetables for easy and tasty results.
A few tips can help you grill those delicate delectables with great success and less mess, whether they come from your garden, the farmers’ market or the supermarket.
One handy tip is to line grill grates with Reynolds Wrap Non-Stick Aluminum Foil when grilling vegetables. It’s coated on one side with a special food-safe nonstick surface and can help delicate vegetables stand up to the high heat of the grill.
Another way to grill vegetables is to wrap them in foil packets to retain moisture and nutrients without added fat. The secret is to cut the vegetables that take longer to cook thinner or place them on the bottom of the foil packet closest to the heat. Add an ice cube or two to keep the vegetables moist. They’ll also be easy to turn and won’t fall through the grill grate.
Try this light, lemony vegetable packet recipe or use your family’s favorite vegetable combination to create your own version.
For more recipes and tips, visit www.reynoldskitchens.com.
Lemon Herb Vegetable Packet
1 sheet (18×24 inches) Reynolds Wrap Non-Stick Aluminum Foil
2½ cups fresh cauliflower florets
2½ cups fresh broccoli florets
1 cup peeled baby carrots
2-3 teaspoons grated lemon peel
1 clove garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh herbs or 1 teaspoon dried herbs such as basil, thyme or dill
1 teaspoon olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
2 ice cubes
Fresh lemon juice (optional)
Preheat grill to medium-high. Center vegetables on sheet of Reynolds Wrap Non-Stick Aluminum Foil with non-stick (dull) side towards food. Sprinkle with lemon peel, garlic, herbs, olive oil and salt. Top with ice cubes. Bring up foil sides. Double-fold top and ends to seal, making one large packet, leaving room for heat circulation inside. Grill 10 to 12 minutes in covered grill. If desired, squeeze fresh lemon juice over vegetables and stir before serving. Makes 6 servings.
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