(HealthNewsDigest.com)-There’s good news for drivers who want to stay sharp and safe as they get older. With a little bit of effort, it’s possible to keep your wits about you as you respond to other drivers and the road ahead.
In general, quick reaction times tend to peak in a person’s late 20s. After that, reflexes can begin to slow down.
To help, here are some tips for training the brain to safely respond to challenges on the road as you age:
• Don’t drink and drive-it’s illegal, and drinking before driving impairs reaction time and overall awareness.
• Let your eyes be your guide-remember to look down the road while using your peripheral vision to pick up on any unexpected movements around the car.
• Deal with night glare by looking slightly down and to the right.
• Connect your mind to your eyes-focus on what you see by being alert and undistracted.
• Use roadway signs to guide you-that’s what they are there for. And bone up on what they look like. Times change and so do signs. For instance, many people still think the yield sign is yellow even though the sign has been red and white for over 30 years.
• Remember the two-second rule-when stopping at a traffic light or stop sign, look both ways and count two seconds before taking your foot off the brake.
• Consider becoming a member of AAA or signing up for a car insurer’s roadside assistance program.
• As we age, the ability to respond to stimuli in a timely fashion-whether behind the wheel or elsewhere-can be rejuvenated by brain-fitness computer exercises that are designed to help users think faster, focus better and remember more.
For example, there are brain-fitness software programs on the market, such as DriveSharp, that are designed to help drivers focus better, keep track of more information and react faster to threats on the road.
For more information, visit Posit Science at www.PositScience.com or call 1-800-514-3975.
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