(HealthNewsDigest.com) – If you’ve been reading my tips for any length of time, then you’ve read my “Feeding Our Body” series. Some of my most popular tips are from this series, such as “Feeding Our Skin”, “Feeding Our Muscles” and “Feeding Our Brain”. Many of us may be “Feeding Our Cravings” too often as well, so this prompts me to ask, what about “Feeding our Soul”? Is there a connection between feeding our cravings and feeding our soul at least some of the time?
What do I mean by “Feeding Our Soul? Feeding Our Soul means to me nurturing ourselves, whether to reward ourselves, pat ourselves on the back, or to relieve stress, something more likely these days. But how many of us are feeding these needs with food, drink, etc? I suggest that we feed our souls in non- food ways, which includes applying a bit of what is called environmental psychology; feeding our soul through our senses.
So, here then are just a few suggestions to feed our soul, particularly when we’re feeling stressed.
Get Physical. Of course I would suggest this! Let’s take a walk in a park (one with lots of trees and flowers), or take a dip in the ocean, or pool. Some studies have shown that if we stop for a few moments to even visualize a body of water whether a calm lake, waterfall, or sea of blue, we might lower our blood pressure to relieve a stressful moment. This does take practice of course, but wouldn’t it be worth it? Other studies have shown that swimming can significantly help to reduce stress and depression, so while summer is still here, let’s get physical outdoors! I suggest to clients to take a long hot bath at the end of the day!
Take a Whiff. Feeding our sense of smell just might relieve stress, but it may have more of an effect than we realize. Savoring the scent of lemon, mango, lavender, or other fragrant plants, may make us feel good for the moment and beyond. Scientists in Japan are reporting the first scientific evidence that inhaling certain fragrances alter gene activity and blood chemistry in ways that can reduce stress levels. In particular, the natural compound “Linalool” found in the oil extracted from citrus peels used in a study conducted on rats, returned stress-elevated levels of neutrophils and lymphocytes (key parts of the immune system) to near-normal levels. Inhaling linalool also reduced the activity of more than 100 genes that go into overdrive in stressful situations.
Listen Up. Let’s listen to our favorite music CD. Studies are currently under investigation using music as a complementary/alternative treatment for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to relieve stress and help to manage pain. We can listen a bit in the morning as we get dressed, we can play our favorite music in the car while we are stuck in traffic, we can listen up as we take 5 during lunch.
Fake a Smile. Fake a smile and it might become real! While this does not involve our environment, it just might do the trick when we are unable to surround ourselves with something soothing. Research has shown that we cannot feel emotions that we associate as negative (anger, anxiety, sadness) at the exact moment we smile. How about we force a smile for just 1 minute when the tension builds up.
Go Back to Our Roots. It is part of our evolutionary biology to surround ourselves with nature. We can buy freshly cut flowers, or a favorite small green plant for our office and home. Gardening is good for our soul, so let’s make an indoor garden for ourselves even if we don’t have access to an outdoor one.
These are just a few suggestions to feed our soul through our senses. We can use natural elements such as water, plants, plant fragrances, and a man made element, music. We can use our own body (smiling) to trick our brain, even for a moment.
Now of course, I always recommend that we exercise regularly, and that we eat healthy foods as our foundation of eating, regardless of the other less desirable foods we indulge in. Doing this most of the time to make a healthy lifestyle a habit, will promote our physical and emotional well-being. Considering how our environment affects us, and taking some time to “smell the roses” so to speak, will also promote our well-being. I suggest that we “Feed Our Soul” in ways that will relax us, help us to feel good both physically and emotionally, and be good for us during, after and even long after we do it.
Now I think I’ll go buy some fresh lemons to peel, and smart smelling!
Here’s to “Feeding Our Soul”
June M Lay M.S.
For anyone with high blood pressure or any medical condition (including pregnancy), please seek the advice of your doctor before sitting in a hot tub, or steam room.
Source used: Stress Repression in Restrained Rats by (R)-(−)-Linalool Inhalation and Gene Expression Profiling of Their Whole Blood Cells, Akio Nakamura, et. al., Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009 57 (12), 5480-5485 reported by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
This week still posted, Junefit’s Tex-Mex Salad for my “Summertime Salads and the Eating is Easy” Series at http://www.junefit.com/tips_recipehp.htm.
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