(HealthNewsDigest.com) – A combination of different facial fillers with specific properties is now the preferred method for making your face look younger, plastic surgeons at UT Southwestern Medical Center say.
“Your cosmetic surgeon should be your guide to help you identify which fillers to use on the different parts of the face to deliver natural, long-lasting results in a cost-efficient manner,” says Dr. Rod Rohrich, chairman of plastic surgery at UT Southwestern. “Some fillers are more viscous and don’t migrate as easily; others are more fluid and can plump larger areas.”
Dr. Rohrich says some fillers cost more because they last longer, such as Radiesse, which can last well over a year in comparison to other hyaluronic acid fillers that are effective for six to nine months. But beware of budget botulinum toxin.
“If you purchase Botox at a severely discounted rate, it’s possible that you are receiving a very diluted form of Botox or perhaps something that is not even real Botox at all,” Dr. Rohrich warns. “What’s more, in some salons the product is often injected by people with insufficient training, which can result in problems like asymmetry and droopy eyelids or brows.”
A board-certified plastic surgeon can also help explain the subtle differences in new products such as Dysport, which, like Botox, is essentially a purified form of botulinum toxin A. While it may act slightly faster, various studies have shown that it may also spread farther, so it’s important to get expert advice before simply favoring the latest products to hit the market.
Visit www.utsouthwestern.org/plasticsurgery to learn more about UT Southwestern’s clinical services in plastic surgery.
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