(HealthNewsDigest.com) – As a mother of two and health coordinator responsible for 24,000 students in Springfield, MO, I know just how important parents are in the fight against illness and the promotion of health and wellness.
Most people are not aware that cold and flu season occurs year round – not just during the winter. Summer is the perfect time to work on healthy habits so that kids are ready when school starts back in the fall.
That’s why I teamed up with the folks at Kleenex Anti-Viral: to help educate moms and kids on staying cold and flu-free. A question I’m always asked is what I do to keep my family and students cold and flu-free. Here are the “pearls of wisdom” that I like to share:
1) Wash Hands often- especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after playing outside. I like to teach the “Happy Birthday” method. Sing “Happy Birthday” twice while washing your hands with soap and water. This will take you 15-20 seconds which is the recommended amount of time to get your hands clean.
2) Use Facial Tissues When You Sneeze-The Centers for Disease Control encourages using facial tissues when you sneeze, cough or blow your nose to minimize cold and flu viruses.
3) Get Plenty of Rest: Parents should start getting back in the “school routine” practice of having their children get to bed earlier so they have plenty of sleep. Two weeks before the first day of school, get your kids on their typical school sleep schedule (early to bed, early to rise).
4) Stay Hydrated: I also encourage moms and kids to get plenty of rest and drink adequate fluids – this is effective in helping to boost your immune system.
5) Eat Breakfast: Healthy kids are better learners and eating a nutritious breakfast with fiber will improve concentrate in the classroom.
6) Don’t Come to School Sick: A national Kleenex Anti-Viral survey revealed that 86% of moms agree that their child has gotten sick at school due to an “under the weather” classmates. With this in mind, I ask moms to please keep kids home when they’ve come down with the cold and flu – that way they are not spreading bugs to others.
Remember that reducing the spread of viruses is beneficial to everyone – healthy kids are happy kids.
Check out www.BattleTheBug.com for more info on combating cold and flu bugs year round.
Have a safe and healthy school year!
Jean Grabeel, R.N., Executive Committee Member, National Association of School Nurses (NASN)
PHOTO CAPTION: Illinois School Nurse of the Year Donna Rehm of Orland Park, IL, left, assists Takyra Gilliam, 10, right, Tamera Gilliam, 9, middle, and Asiah Blakey, 11, as they play the Battle the Bug video game at a Kleenex Anti-Viral tour stop in Lincoln Park Zoo. The brand teamed up with local school nurses across the country to educate moms and kids about how to prevent the spread of viruses so they’re practicing healthy hygeine habits in time for back-to-school.
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