(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Tweezing your brows can accomplish two critical missions: achieving beautiful eye opening arches and also tidying up strays to maintain a clean shape.
For eyebrow maintenance in between professional shapings or to keep up the shape that flatters you most, the grip is the most important criterion. If the tweezer doesn’t grip the finest hairs strongly, you will end up making multiple attempts to pluck out tiny hairs, which can end up nipping your delicate skin and causing redness and irritation. Tweezer tips can be pointed, rounded, or slanted, depending on your personal preference. It is best to choose a pair of tweezers that can grip your hairs well enough to tweeze each individual strand, especially for hard to reach areas. The best type of tweezers can remove the hair by pulling it out at the root, rather than breaking the hair before it gets plucked so you end up with stubble. They are lifesavers for getting rid of wayward hairs that crop up in weird places like toes, around nipples, below the belly button, moles, and ingrown hairs that can be a problem. Tweezers are also essential tools for applying false lashes.
The other part of the tweezing equation is to get a great magnifying mirror so you can see exactly what you’re plucking!
1. TWEEZERMAN – The gold standard of beauty toolmakers, Tweezerman has a wide variety of tweezers to suit your specs as well as your personality. We love the mini slant models for only $12 that come in black, pastels and hot colors so they are easy to grab out of your jam packed makeup case. There are larger slanted models that come in jazzy patterns, polka dots, and conventional solids. If you need some extra seeing power, try the lighted slant version too. Tweezerman put some fun into functional plucking! www.tweezerman.com
2. JAPONESQUE – Makes ergonomic tweezers with slant or point tips that are feather light and easy to handle. www.japonesque.com
3. REVLON – An oldie but goodie, Slant Tip Perfect Tweez is a scissor shape for about $3.99 that gets the job done. www.drugstore.com
4. EARTH THERAPEUTICS – The Professional SofTouch Tweezer has a cushiony cover to prevent slips. www.drugstore.com
5. RUBIS – High quality Swiss made pricey but last a lifetime, these stainless steel cosmetic tweezers come in slanted and pointed tip versions for utmost precision. www.folica.com
Wendy Lewis is President of Wendy Lewis & Co Ltd, Global Aesthetics Consultancy, and author of 10 beauty books, including Plastic Makes Perfect., and the Founder of Beauty in the Bag www.wlbeauty.com, www.twitter.com/WLCO
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