New Moon October 18 2009
1:33 am EDT
New Moon October 17, 2008
10:33 pm PDT
24:58 Libra Sun and Moon
Anne’s website: or Ann Ortelee
( – The Libra New Moon echoes back to the changes in the structure of our life, relationships or partnerships from fall 1982. The New Moon wakes them up and ties those memories with the challenges addressed in 1994 and faced directly in 2001. Now, as Saturn prepares to enter Libra again, 27 years later, to begin a final closing square Saturn dance with Pluto yet again, we face the wrap-up, ending, psychological and integrative step of the process.
All cosmic cycles work in this manner. Think of a growing season. You have a plan. You plant the seeds at the conjunction or beginning of the growing season. You water them, work with them, weed them, prune them, fertilize them during the opening square. You face some tests. They require work. Some of them don’t make it ~ eaten by bunnies or deer or aphids.
The plants continue to grow and become their own entities which you can clearly see at the opposition. The corn is now over your head. The zucchini is crawling all over the garden. The tomatoes are weighing down their vines, pulling at the stakes. You harvest the plants as they become ripe from full to closing.
At the closing square you look to see what your garden gave you. You eat the fruit of it. You can even have a party or set up a farm stand to sell your excess. The PHYSICAL work is finished. The PSYCHOLOGICAL work is at hand. The figure out what exactly went on part of the job. You now understand one zucchini plant can make a heck of a lot of zucchini. You write 1) grow less zucchini next year. You noted a crazed raccoon can make short work of a whole section of corn, taking only one bite out of many of ears of corn so you add to your list 2) buy raccoon have-a-heart- traps. You remember the spring peas were a flop as you didn’t harvest them in time so they were harder than the bbs for the gun you wished you had to shoot the raccoon when he ate all your corn. You write 3) harvest spring peas promptly.
Such is the time we are at in our lives. Time to evaluate where we’ve been and where we are going next. Time to look at the past growing seasons (since 1982) and see where you are in the path of your life. Are the structures supporting you? Do they need to change? Do you need to build NEW structures as some of your old ones have fallen to time? It is time to psychologically assess the good, the bad, the middle, the could-be-better and the I-don’t-ever-want-to-do-that-again. What do you know now about the garden of your life that you didn’t know before?
The journey of Saturn through Virgo has shown you what you are good at and not so good at. We all need improvement. We all are perfect just as and where we are. Those are not mutually exclusive statements even though they might appear to be. We are each plants, planted in a season, growing to be our plant’s highest potential, as symbolized by our chart. What does your plant need? We are approaching the astrological winter, symbolized by Pluto in Capricorn. In the garden, it is time to mulch, wrap the rhododendrons, fertilize the lawn to strengthen the grass roots, and plant the bulbs to get ready for the next growing season. What do you need to do in your life to psychologically and emotionally support the wrap up of this growing season and get ready for the next season?
Now as Saturn prepares to go into Libra, the New Moon presages that energy. She asks us to look at our lives and understand them in the bigger context of where we are right now in time and space. It is not the actual mundane information about how much money you have in your bank account or whether you are feeling fat or thin today. It is the where is your soul? What would your SOUL say about who you are? What would your SOUL say about what you are doing with your life?
The Gang of Three in Aquarius, Neptune, Jupiter and Chiron are trine to the New Moon in Libra. Soon the other Libra planets, Mercury, Athena and Venus will move into to trine the Gang too. Ceres has already assessed the production of the garden last year and moved into making an accounting of it with her entry into Scorpio.
The Libra planets trine to the Gang of Three in Aquarius are in a closing trine ~ harvesting mentally the results of the life you’ve lived to date. Sit and make a list, similar to the garden list above. Too much zucchini, not enough flowers, maybe a butterfly bush next year? What do you need to adjust in the waning days of Saturn in Virgo to get the mix right.
The inconjunct to Uranus in Pisces asks you to make what ever adjustments you need to make. Adjust. Re fashion the vision. Maybe you ARE supposed to be a hot mama cougar instead of a docile doting wife! Perhaps you do recognize the man/ woman of your dreams isn’t still the man/ woman of your dreams. Does that mean you don’t want him/ her any more? Or can you keep him/her and continue to pursue your dreams in another forum? Or perhaps your job, while once thrilling and interesting, no longer floats your boat. But the money is good….. So you don’t want to LEAVE but you don’t want to stay. What was the long held dream deferred that is nibbling at the edge of your consciousness? Can you add that to your life and your list for the next garden to come?
It is also a verbal moon. Talk the stuff, the choices, the ideas out with yourself or others. The Sun and Moon square the nodes of destiny. A choice point is upon us. A clear choice with multiple options. You may not know where you want to go but you know you have to choose. You know you have to change.
In the next few weeks, Saturn will move into tropical Libra. We are going to be asked to step up to the plate and PARTNER EQUALLY with our life. That means we have to be responsible for OUR side of the fence and yard. We will have to let the other guy be responsible for THEIR part of the deal. No more fixing. No more apprenticing. Everyone has to pull their own weight. You can HELP them pull their weight but you can’t FIX it for them any more. And understanding the distinction is VERY important.
All the Air planets also bring in great ideas of things you want to move toward, add to your life or begin. So start to move toward them. Incorporate more play, more love, more rest, more exercise, more reading, more partnership, more relationship and more, more, more of the things that give you joy in your life. Venus is in charge of the sky for the foreseeable future ~ until October of 2012. Venus rules the heavens!
Or at least six of the more important planets and points in the sky are answering to Venus. Saturn will be in Libra, answering to Venus. Pluto in Capricorn will be answering to Saturn, answering to Libra. Neptune in Aquarius answers to Saturn, answers to Venus. Chiron in Aquarius answers to Saturn, answers to Venus. Jupiter for a couple more months will be in Aquarius, answers to Saturn, answers to Venus. The North Node of Destiny is in Capricorn, answering to Saturn, answers to Venus.
It is about to become all about the love, joy and desire nature of your being. And about the money. Venus rules money. And creativity, music, art and partnership. Venus rules all those things.
Listen to your heart’s desire, figure out a way to partner with it and start to move toward it. That is your job now. That is the easy part. Just add a bit of what you love and desire into your life every day. Easy peasy. Just do it. And next, harder by far, listen to what your heart does NOT desire any more and start to move AWAY from that. This is where it can get a bit trickier. Let’s make it a bit easier to see the thing you heart does not desire any more…
Suppose you realize you absolutely HATE zucchini now that you’ve eaten it every day for the last two years because the darn thing took over the garden. Zucchini stewed, zucchini bread, fried zucchini, stuffed zucchini, baked zucchini. ARGH! NO MORE ZUCCHINI! Why are you doing things you hate? If you hate Zucchini why are you eating it? Because it is there? Because it took over your garden? Not a good enough answer. No more zucchini!
Life is too short. Live in the love part of your chart. Support your Venus. Hang out with her. Love her. If your Venus doesn’t want any more zucchini, support her in that. Give her other delicious vegetables and wait till she asks for a serving of zucchini again. She might. She might not. But the choice, the CHOICE about eating zucchini or even continuing to GROW zucchini rests in your own hands. It is, after all, your garden.
Commentary: ‘The Sight of an Autumn Leaf Brings to a Pilgrim the Sudden Revelation of the Mystery of Life and Death’ is an image of someone having the ability to see much more in the simple things around them than most people ever notice. A ‘Pilgrim’ is a traveler, a voyager-someone who’s on a journey. Often the ‘Pilgrim’s’ journey is a spiritual trek or a trip to increase the level of experience and understanding. The ‘Sudden Revelation of the Mystery of Life and Death’ shows that the person on the journey pictured here is able to look at the smallest and sometimes most fleeting things and find layers and layers of meaning that others would probably not ever realize.
Oracle: This Symbol can indicate an insight into something that can change the course of one’s life. The ‘Autumn Leaf’ in this Symbol brings to the ‘Pilgrim’ the sudden understanding of the cycle of life, death and rebirth. The ‘Mystery of Life’ seems to unfold before the ‘Pilgrim’s’ inner vision. The ‘Pilgrim’ can see that the seed has grown into the tree and the tree’s leaves have now fallen with the change of the seasons, ready for the new birth in the spring. The ‘Autumn Leaf’ becomes the composted material that nourishes the new seeds and fosters and nourishes the new growth. Often we go through our lives without noticing the information that can be gained from looking at small or seemingly insignificant things. The ‘Revelation’ that is experienced can change one’s life, if time is taken to stop long enough to really look into it. At this point, you may feel that you’ve learnt much and grown tired of seeking information for life’s meaning through more conventional channels. Look for the answer to your problem in simple, everyday moments. They are fleeting, but they are around you. Look for the signs, they can have profound effects.
Keywords: Seasonal adjustments. Fleeting inspiration. Seeing things in their own time. Spiritual revelations. Conversations with God. Feeling blessed. The beauty and timelessness of nature. Contacts with nature spirits. Angelic visions. Photography and having a photographic mind. Being here now. Pilgrims and their journeys. The Hadj pilgrimage. Solving problems. Quick and deep minds. Snapshots in time.
The Caution: Focusing on things that have no lasting value or are no longer relevant. Looking for answers in everything, therefore missing out on the big picture that’s right in front of you. Making a big deal out of insignificant or everyday occurrences.
To see the world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower; Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. William Blake
A traveler without observation is a bird without wings. Moslih Eddin Saadi
Perpetual inspiration is as necessary to the life of goodness, holiness and happiness as perpetual respiration is necessary to animal life. Andrew Bonar Law
To see a hillside white with dogwood bloom is to know a particular ecstasy of beauty, but to walk the gray winter woods and find the buds which will resurrect that beauty in another May is to partake of continuity. Hal Borland
A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul. Goethe
Nature will bear the closest inspection. She invites us to lay our eye level with her smallest leaf, and take an insect view of its plain. Henry David Thoreau
Lynda Hill’s interpretation of the Sabian Symbols appears with her permission. Check her work out at # or
Copyright © 2009 A. C. Ortelee
Where is the New Moon in my chart?
Look up your Sun’s sign and Ascendant’s sign to see where the New Moon is starting a brand new chapter in your life. Take time in the next few days to start a project in that area of your life.
A new cycle begins on October 18, 2009.
On July 18, 2010, you will be tested and offered an opportunity to change or adjust projects begun under this moon.
On April 18, 2011 you’ll see the ripening of the projects at the Full Moon.
On January 16, 2012 you’ll harvest the results of this new moon. How cool is THAT!?
So take time on the New Moon to launch projects dear to your heart. Use the energy of the moon to grow your life in the areas described below.
The New Moon is in your Sixth House: Virgo ~ Earth Mutable Duty Substance
Work attitudes, health, habits, employment, employees, tenants, servants, co-workers, pets, dependents, service given to others, routine matters, clothes & how you wear clothes, hygiene, interest in food & diet, sickness, conditions affecting your health, aunts uncles, unconscious mind, high school years, apprenticeships, food, small animals, solar plexus, bowels, productivity, illness, healing, nutrition, food preparation, food served, tools, analysis, coping with stress, chores, duties, your feelings about employment, work output, applied discipline to self improvement, dedication, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness, allegiance, body functions, discipline, body cleansing, celibacy, bread, magic, harvest, criteria, file cabinet, knitting, luggage, ephemeris, napkin, telephone directory, skills
The New Moon is in your Fifth House: Leo – Fire Fixed Creativity Life
Children, love affairs, romance, pleasure, amusement, holidays, vacations, games, speculations, hobbies, avocations, emotional attitude, the love you give, enterprise, sports, originality, creative outlets, dramatic, literary and artistic ability, publication, politics, fine arts, social affairs, pregnancy, education of children, groups which have to do with fun, heart, back, pleasant things in life, mastery of self, self’s abilities, child rearing & molding & teaching, values imparted to children, teachers, theater, play, luck, prizes, winnings, drama, contrived emotions, laughter, celebrations, applause, humor, spontaneity, matters of the heart, popularity, toast
The New Moon is in your Fourth House: Cancer – Water Cardinal Security Endings
Home, parents (mother), family you came from, roots, home you will establish, heritage, heredity, ancestry, psychological roots, preverbal learning, private life, property, all things secluded, endings, closing years of life, fame after death, place of burial, your subjective self, foundation of your character, mines, land, property, environment, domestic affairs, the result of undertakings, breasts, stomach, digestive organs, tradition, early life, emotional attitudes in basic personality foundations, how you live, inner nature, fixed possessions, privacy, attitudes towards family, instinctive emotional motivations, emotional roots and origins, care and devotion received & strings attached to same, initial adjustment to life, ethnic traditions, family support, subjective building blocks of self, self-sufficiency, how you guard your space & property & work area, folklore, memories, sentimental, agricultural products, abundance of goods available, attachment to objects, hold you have on your possessions, fence, flags, phobias, rivers, midnight, nostalgia, scab
The New Moon is in your Third House: Gemini – Air Mutable Awareness Side by Side Relationships
Local neighborhood, brothers, sisters, communications, transportation vehicles, short trips, adaptability of mind to learning, taken for granted skills, conscious and objective parts of mind, grammar school, writings, mental inclinations and ability, shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, collar bones, nervous system, inner cleverness, limits to what you accept, learn, try, repeat, relearn, daily encounters, reading, writing, arithmetic, term papers, appropriateness of what you write and speak, wit, repartee, distribution of goods & systems, alibis, weather, variety, archetypes, air, books, barter, questions, mimicry, microphones, limericks, early education
The New Moon is in your Second House: Taurus – Earth Fixed Values Substance
Financial affairs, moveable possessions, investments, earning power, inner talents, skills, resources, self worth, values, emotional feelings, freedom, outer resources, throat and ears, benefit from material things, value of money earned, personal role of finances, personal and psychological worth, comforts, compensation, personal value placed on services rendered or given to others, material things balanced with inner happiness and spiritual needs, ownership, borrowing & lending of personal possessions, care you give to things you own, relaxation & comfort in material world, music, gifts you give, jewelry, flowers, wallet, serenity, thoughtfulness
The New Moon is in your First House: Aries – Fire Cardinal Identity Life Angular
Personality, disposition, individuality, how you express yourself, how you are seen, how you begin things, physical body, overall health, approach to life, appearance, bearing, beginnings of all enterprises, outlook, tendencies, self interest, worldly outlook, head and face, character, forming & presenting & maintaining identity, attitudes toward yourself, needs for recognition, enjoyment from personal risks, mannerisms, how to work with self, development & nurturing or abandonment of habits, nuances, styles, appearance, your name, forefront of anything, axe, arson, martial arts, loud things, male things, iron, guns, freshmen, point of view, missile, vigor
The New Moon is in your Twelfth House: Pisces – Water Mutable Subconscious Endings
Unknown or hidden strengths, weaknesses, sorrow, suffering, limitations, handicaps, secrets, seclusion, frustration, behind the scenes action, places of confinement, jails, hospitals, mental institutions, restraint, inhibitions, exile, secret enemies, hidden dangers, self- undoing, clandestine affairs, things we hide from others, research, background, subjective sustainment, inner consciousness, subconscious mind, spiritual debts to be paid, karma, charity, sympathy, public welfare, closet or dustbin of horoscope ~ all the problems which are painful to face or difficulties we refuse to acknowledge, unseen & unexpected troubles, large animals, occult or hidden side of life, feet, charity, selfless deeds, drugs, alcohol, diffusion, rehabilitation, poverty, chains, conspiracies, ambush, analgesic, boots, litter, emancipation, desertion, clouds, chemicals, ESP, fog, kidnapping, eavesdropping, crying, miracles, masks
The New Moon is in your Eleventh House: Aquarius – Air Fixed Social Consciousness Group Relationships
Capacity for friendship, attitude towards friends, acquaintances, non emotional relationships, desire, goals, love received, money from profession, step-children, children of other people, foster children, adopted children, circumstances over which you have little control, humanitarian interests, way you see others, large & small organizations, clubs, associations related to career or work, ankles, informal relationships, cliques, gangs, syndicates, clusters, societies, brotherhood, shared convictions & beliefs, politics, civic matters, airport, balloting, political awareness, consensus, caucus, effecting change, oddities, eccentricity, bohemianism, networking, large machinery, office automation, assembly lines, labor saving devices, revolutions, electricity, astrology, chorus, surprise, perversity, junk food,
The New Moon is in your Tenth House: Capricorn – Earth Cardinal Honor Substance
Profession, reputation, standing in the community, ego, status, fame, promotion, ambition, business and social activities, employer, government, any authority over you, achievements, how the world sees and evaluates you, influence you have in own circle, parent (father), honor, knees, skin, cartilage, high standards, fulfillment, completions, recognition, setting & meeting goals, returns in kind for what earned, stature, esteem, maturity, father figures, mentors, bosses, consequences of actions, roadblocks, work done is rewarded, equal return for equal effort, bones, aim, time, Oscars, clock, landmarks, glory, vocation, quota, peak, skyscrapers, warts
The New Moon is in your Ninth House: Sagittarius – Fire Mutable Aspiration Life
Higher mind, super-conscious, religion, law, science, ideals, higher learning, college education, philosophy, psychology, profound mental study, dreams, visions, distant travel, foreigners, foreign dealings, commerce, big business, imports, exports, organized religions, clergy, in-laws, grandchildren, intuition, ethics, public opinion, lessons learned through living, places remote from birth, psychic experiences, education, higher development, scientific, philanthropic, spiritual tendencies, liver, thighs, experiment with life, go beyond your boundaries, different ways of thinking, legends, myths, moral courage, justice, the courts, jury, ceremonies of ritual, publishing, creeds, folklore, expedition, vistas, passports, hymn, gospel, wanderlust, wisdom, marketing, sports team, editor, gypsy
The New Moon is in your Eighth House: Scorpio – Water Fixed Regeneration Endings
Sex, death, taxes, Support from other people ~ financial, moral, spiritual, & physical. Legacies, trusts, wills, insurance matters, secrets, spiritual & physical regeneration, psychological rebirth, degeneration, occult matters, sleep, deep research, investigation, hidden assets, assets & financial affairs of partners, alimony, surgery, astral experiences, muscular system, bladder, sex organs, deep motivations, mutually sharing, obligations, emotional gifts, reciprocation, interchange, retaliation, compensation, swapping, giving, deep questions, is the exchange equal or not?, garbage, removal, eradication, uprooting, amputation, transformation, mystery, process of death, afterlife, reincarnation, soul travel, distillation, investigation, probing, analysis, depth, innards, core, conception, poison, peat
The New Moon is in your Seventh House: Libra – Air Cardinal Cooperation Face to Face Relationships
Business and marital partners, marriage, divorce, contracts, lawsuits, bargains, agreements, dealings with the public, public’s response to you, open enemies, cooperation with others, lack of cooperation, what you most lack in your self, attitudes towards marriage, your mate, kind and quality of your marriages, how many marriages, grandparents, people who act as your agent or on your behalf, public relations, unions, kidneys, ovaries, lower half of back, participation, interaction, oppositions, sharing, competition, compromise, fairness, others return what they feel you deserve, reconciliation, equality, alternatives, obstruction, blockages, withdrawal, behavior, manners, etiquette, social skills, how others help you or fight you, peace, harmony, tolerating differences, virtues, bitchiness, law suit
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Consultations are recorded on cds in wav files or on cassette tapes. They are sent out by email or snail mail.
Payment is by check, cash or PayPal for credit cards.
Anne’s rates as of February 1, 2008 are $130 per hour.
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Phone: 212-879-2766 to schedule a consultation with Anne.
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