(HealthNewsDigest.com) – People are often surprised to find that learning and practicing self-hypnosis can help them beat the holiday blues. Let me explain. Ever wonder why two people who are faced with the same stressful situation can react so differently? Why one may fall apart under the stress of the Holidays while the other is invigorated by the challenges it presents? The difference lies in their internal connections.
For example, most people react automatically to current situations or problems based on deeply held beliefs or preconditioned responses rooted in their childhood “template”. The great news is that self-hypnosis can help us learn to make better “connections” both internally and externally – better connections between a potential stressor and the outcome it leads to.
By the way, some of the confusion about stress stems from the way different researchers use the word. It is often meant to apply to outer events (e.g., getting fired, a death in the family, a change in a relationship) and inner events (e.g., heartbeat speeding up, adrenaline pumping, depression of the immune system). Technically speaking, the word, “stress”, refers to the internal events and the word, “stressor”, refers to the external events.
Self-hypnosis addresses “stress” – it acts upon the machinery of our background template – the “inner connections” that govern the inner stress response. It is a way for us to activate and help reorganize the different stressor negotiating mechanisms and their associated physiology into a more integrated state.
This is helpful of course because we cannot do much, if anything, about certain outside events. In today’s economy, people are being fired every day. People are losing their homes and long-term relationships are ending. On the other side of the coin, by practicing self-hypnosis we can do something about our internal reaction to these events so we can deal with the external events more efficaciously. Instead of feeling pressured, we can sense an excitement. Instead of feeling anxious or afraid, we can sense practical action and confidence. Once these re-connections are in place and operating automatically we just feel better, heal faster and are generally more effective. Self-hypnosis is also an excellent tool for managing anxiety, relieving chronic pain, overcoming insomnia, lifting depressive feelings and developing a positive mental attitude. All of which can help people beat the holiday blues and put the joy back into the season!
And you can start practicing self-hypnosis now: All you have to do is simply find a quite place, close and open your eyes, so you can continue to read this… Now imagine and/or remember the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches that are associated with a past experience in which you were feeling at ease, energized and very happy- doing so, personalizes the experience for you and floods your body with natural feel good chemicals. Now, imagine that you are soaking up that sense of ease, energy and happiness and will be able to reconnect to that sense of ease, energy and happiness by simply thinking, “I deserve to feel happy!” and bring your attention back to every day consciousness. Practice this self-hypnotic exercise for 3 to 5 minutes at a time, several times a day for several weeks and feeling better will become a habit. It really can be that easy! I recommend working with a hypnosis professional certified by the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association (http://imdha.com) and/or the National Guild of Hypnotists (http://ngh.net) to get the most out of your self-hypnosis practice.
About the author:
In addition to his private medical and dental hypnosis practice, Michael Ellner, located in New York City, teaches continuing medical education courses on stress management, hypnotic theory and hypnotic pain relief techniques to doctors, dentists, nurses and therapists for PAINWeek, a major annual medical conference. He also conducts webinars for radiologists, internists, psychiatrists, ophthalmologists, cardiologists, plastic surgeons and other doctors for ExecSense, the world’s leading webinar publisher for medical professionals. Ellner is the co-author of 4 Guided Self-help Books (http://www.quantumfocusing.com/quantumfocusing/eBooks.html) Michael Ellner:[email protected]
Websites: http://www.nycanxietyhypnosis.com, http://www.ellner.info
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