(HealthNewsDigest.com) – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Name of Product: Sterno Portable Butane Stoves
Units: About 37,500
Importer: The Sterno Group LLC, of Des Plaines, Ill.
Hazard: The stove�s �on-off� valve can fail to close completely when turned to the �off� position, causing butane to leak from the stove. This poses a fire and burn hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: Sterno has received one report of a stove failing to completely shut off. No injuries have been reported.
Description: The recalled portable butane stoves have model numbers STO6001 and 50006. The single burner stoves are black and measure about 14 inches wide x 12 inches long x 4 inches high. They use an eight-ounce butane canister as the fuel source. �Sterno� is printed on the front of the stove. The model number and UPC 0-27371-50006-9 or UPC 0-76642-06001-6 is printed on the stove�s packaging.
Sold at: Sporting goods stores and other retail stores nationwide, including Puerto Rico, from September 2009 through September 2010, and to restaurants and restaurant supply stores from August 2006 through September 2010 for between $20 and $30.
Manufactured in: China
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled portable butane stoves and contact Sterno for instructions to return the units to Sterno for a free replacement stove. Do not return the stoves to the place of purchase.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Sterno toll-free at (877) 478-3766 between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. CT Monday through Friday or visit the firm’s website at www.sterno.com
CPSC is still interested in receiving incident or injury reports that are either directly related to this product recall or involve a different hazard with the same product. Please tell us about it by visiting https://www.cpsc.gov/cgibin/incident.aspx
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. The CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard. The CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products – such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters, and household chemicals – contributed significantly to the decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 30 years.
To report a dangerous product or a product-related injury, call CPSC’s Hotline at (800) 638-2772 or CPSC’s teletypewriter at (301) 595-7054. To join a CPSC e-mail subscription list, please go to https://www.cpsc.gov/cpsclist.aspx. Consumers can obtain recall and general safety information by logging on to CPSC’s Web site at www.cpsc.gov.
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