Start the New Year Off on a Sweet Note – Introducing the Newest Sensations from Popcorn, Indiana
( – Add some “POP” to your taste buds in 2011 with salty/sweet Popcorn, Indiana’s newest additions! Sometimes salty just isn’t enough. When you’ve got a yearning for sweet, this is your guaranteed solution.
Hand-crafted from all-natural ingredients, these newly created recipes combine the crispy-crunch of popcorn with all the savory goodness of chocolate and caramel. Keeping with the Popcorn, Indiana tradition, all flavors are free from Trans Fat, Gluten, Cholesterol and Preservatives. So sit back, relax and start munching because with Popcorn, Indiana you get the best of all worlds!
These four flavors were tested by staffers:
* Caramel Popcorn
* Dark Fudge Chocolate Chip Kettlecorn
* Drizzled Black & White Kettlecorn
* Drizzled Cinnamon Sugar Kettlecorn
All bags were opened and set on the table. Caramel popcorn got a lot of oohs and aahs, until Drizzled black and white (chocolate) Kettlecorn was tasted. “Oh my God, this tastes like ice cream!” “No, you should put it on ice cream.” I tasted the b&w, and agreed that it was close to tasting like ice cream, but also agreed that the Cinnamon Sugar was an unusual taste treat.
Popcorn, Indiana is sold in select Walgreens, Wal-mart & Whole Foods store locations
*These new flavors are limited edition to celebrate the New Year, so get them while you can!
1.25 oz – $1.00 or 6.0/8.0 oz– $3.99
About Popcorn, Indiana
The all-natural ingredients and goodness of Popcorn, Indiana – from the fresh fields of the Midwest – are unearthed in every bag, and include 100% whole grains. It’s popcorn’s redemption – a new take on a familiar classic. They have created freshness and flavor that can’t be duplicated in the microwave oven. Nor do its products have any hidden chemicals that leave an aftertaste or alter its authenticity. Equally important, Popcorn, Indiana’s products are created by a company that prides itself on quality, service and most of all…customer satisfaction.
To learn more about Popcorn, Indiana, please visit
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