(HealthNewsDigest.com) — Drivers should use the changing seasons as a reminder to engage in routine tire maintenance.
If you’ll be driving “in areas that typically experience harsh winters,” suggests Chuck Yurkovich, vice president of global technology for Cooper Tire & Rubber Company, “consider replacing all-season tires with a product made specifically for that climate. The key is to have those discussions with a trusted dealer before the first storm hits.”
The company has been a proven winter tire brand for decades, providing high-performing and extensive product lines that cover more than 90 percent of vehicles, such as the Weather-master S/T2 and the Discoverer M+S. All its winter tires include a patented snow groove technology for the higher traction of “snow on snow” versus “snow on rubber.”
Even if an area does not typically receive harsh winter weather, according to Yurkovich, it’s important to conduct routine tire maintenance checks as the seasons change. Cooper Tire also advises:
Drive cautiously:
• Double the distance when braking anytime conditions are not dry.
• Do not assume a four-wheel-drive vehicle will stop faster than a two-wheel-drive vehicle.
• Always reduce speed during winter conditions.
• When getting winter tires, replace all four to achieve the handling and traction benefits.
• Check the owner’s manual to see how the vehicle should be serviced in cold weather.
Examine tread:
• For winter-weather driving, the more tread depth, the better. Tire tread depth should be more than 2/32 of an inch deep all around. To check tread depth, insert the edge of a penny into the tread with Lincoln going in headfirst. If the top of his head is covered by tread, there’s at least a minimum acceptable amount; if the top of his head is visible, the tire is worn out and it’s time to replace it.
• While examining the tread, look for signs of uneven wear or damage such as cuts, cracks, splits, punctures and bulges.
Test air pressure: Underinflation creates excessive stress on the tire, while overinflation can cause uneven wear in addition to handling and braking issues.
• Check the air pressure regularly.
• Follow the guidelines found in the vehicle’s owner’s manual or tire placard (or sticker). A common myth is that the tire pressure listed on the sidewall is the optimal pressure; in reality, it’s the maximum pressure.
Should any of these checks reveal the need for maintenance, take your car to a tire dealer for a professional inspection. For more information on proper tire maintenance, visit www.coopertire.com.
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