(HealthNewsDigest.com) — Often, those looking for a quick fix when trying to lose weight can end up losing money- and possibly their health. While many weight-loss products claim there is an easy way to shed pounds, it’s rare that these products live up to their claims. Even worse, they can cause serious harm and even kill you. (HealthNewsDigest.com) — Often, those looking for a quick fix when trying to lose weight can end up losing money- and possibly their health. While many weight-loss products claim there is an easy way to shed pounds, it’s rare that these products live up to their claims. Even worse, they can cause serious harm and even kill you.
Tainted Weight-Loss Products Pose a Risk
The FDA has found numerous weight-loss products labeled as “dietary supplements” that are tainted with hidden prescription drugs and other harmful ingredients. Some products contain dangerous concoctions of unlisted ingredients including stimulant diet drugs, controlled substances and drugs that were removed from the market for safety reasons. Such products can carry significant risks to unsuspecting consumers.
Tainted products come in many forms including “slimming” capsules, coffees or teas. They often promise drastic and immediate weight loss and claim to be “all natural” with “no side effects.” Consumers should be especially wary of weight-loss products labeled in foreign languages.
The FDA has received numerous reports of serious injuries associated with tainted weight- loss products, including stroke, kidney failure and death. Many of these products are imported and sold through the Internet, but some can also be found on store shelves.
Watch For Bogus Claims
There is no magic bullet for losing weight. Consumers should beware of products that promise quick fixes and amazing results. Learn to recognize the false claims that are often used in weight-loss scams. Be on the lookout for claims, including:
• “Lose 30 pounds in 30 days”
• “Permanent or guaranteed weight loss”
• “Lose weight without diet or exercise”
• “Eat all you want and lose weight”
• “Takes weight off quickly- and keeps it from coming back”
• “Lose weight while you sleep”
• “Money-back guarantee.”
If you have questions about weight-loss products, check with your health care professional before using them.
To report illnesses or injuries believed to be related to a weight-loss product, call (800) FDA-1088 or visit FDA online at www.fda.gov/safety/MedWatch.
For more information on how to spot health fraud scams, visit www.fda.gov/healthfraud.
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