(HealthNewsDigest.com) – News of a widespread recall of France’s Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) breast implants sent shockwaves through Europe and other countries when it was reported that these implants were manufactured with substandard silicone and have a high rate of rupturing.
PIP has been under a cloud for quite sometime. I warned that PIP saline implants had documented problems as early as 2005 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16772913. A second paper that I authored, also published in 2005, dramatically documents cosmetic deformity and deflation of the PIP saline implants http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16874200.
PIP company officials asked me not to report these studies, so this recent news of corporate corruption, contaminated silicone and an increased risk of cancer does not surprise me at all.
It is important to be clear that these are PIP silicone implants not saline. Nonetheless, PIP saline implants have never been used the U.S.
Women who had implants done in any of the countries where these implants were used and those who traveled abroad to have their implants in another country and now live here in the U.S., should see their physicians as soon as possible to determine the manufacturer of the implants and if they will need to be removed.
For more information, go to: MarinaPlasicSurgery
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