(HealthNewsDigest.com) – There are a number of procedures available to enhance and improve the breasts including the breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction procedures. These procedures can add more volume to the chest, uplift the breasts, or reduce the size of the breasts. In some situations, some of these procedures can be combined in order to achieve a certain result. Here is an overview of the procedures available for the breast area.
Breast Augmentation
The breast augmentation procedure is designed to add more volume to the breasts. Some women consider the procedure because they would like to feel more confident about their appearance. This is especially true of women that may have always had small breasts, some type of asymmetry in their breasts, or have lost breast volume following pregnancy and breastfeeding or weight loss. The breast augmentation procedure uses either silicone gel or saline implants. Silicone gel implants are comprised of a silicone shell that comes pre-filled from the manufacturer with a silicone gel. Some feel that this implant tends to feel softer and more natural. Saline implants consist of a silicone shell filled with a natural salt water solution. The shell can be placed into the breasts empty and then filled with the saline solution, allowing for a smaller incision. The physician will make an incision underneath the breast, in the armpit area, or around the nipple to insert the implant and then close the incision.
Breast Lift
The breast lift procedure is designed to uplift the breasts and create a more youthful and supple appearance. It is typically done for women who are bothered by sagging due to aging or previous pregnancies who would like to feel more confident about their appearance. The physician will surgically remove loose skin around the breasts and elevate them to uplift the breasts and keep them more firm and supple. Large or stretched areolas may be reduced in size at the same time.
Breast Reduction
The breast reduction procedure is designed to reduce the overall size of the breasts to allow the patient to feel more comfortable. Some women with large breasts may suffer from back pain, discomfort wearing bras or clothing, difficulty performing certain tasks, and even breathing problems due to the size of their breasts. Breast reduction is also an option for some men that have a condition known as gynecomastia. During the procedure, the physician will make an incision to remove some of the breast tissue and then close the incision.
All women have different needs when it comes to the shape and size of their breasts and it is recommended that you visit with an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your candidacy for any of these procedures.
Dr. Ronald A. Lohner is a board certified plastic surgeon and instructor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He specializes in plastic surgery procedures such as the breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction procedures. His office is located in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania on the Main Line. Please call his office at 610-519-0600 to schedule an appointment. You may also view his patients’ before and after photos to see the excellent results he has achieved.
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