(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Artificial sweeteners, such as those containing saccharine or aspartame, can induce glucose intolerance, which is a pathway to Type 2 diabetes. Recent research has left artificial sweetener aficionados questioning whether to relinquish their use altogether.
Dr. Jo Ann Carson, a nutritionist at UT Southwestern Medical Center, says that while the research is intriguing, it warrants further study.
“It raises an issue and there may be something to this, but I would not say everybody needs to stop using artificial sweeteners because of this research,” said Dr. Carson. “There have been some carefully controlled studies that have shown that non-caloric sweeteners can play a role in weight loss.”
If you’ve been using artificial sweeteners to control weight and are concerned about using them, consider these five options for keeping your calorie-count down:
· Drink water or unsweetened tea instead of diet soda.
· Try flavoring water with a small amount of fruit juice.
· Instead of choosing a piece of sugar-free apple pie for dessert, order a slice of regular apple pie but only eat half.
· Eat half-dozen almonds instead of a sugar-free cookie for a snack.
· Change your coffee-shop order from a large, sugar-free, flavored latte to a small, skim-milk latte and then add a small amount (half a teaspoon or less) of regular sugar to sweeten it.
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