(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Known as one of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed in the United States, and indeed throughout the world, the facelift has provided a wonderful way for men and women alike to feel and look younger, and more attractive than ever. The stigma that was once associated with having plastic surgery procedures done has begun to disappear over time, and these days, men and women are celebrated for seeking out ways to look as good, or as youthful as they feel.
Steady & Proven Hands
Raised in Southern California, Dr. Rami Batniji is one of a specialized selection of surgeons within Newport Beach and Orange County who has dedicated his professional career to focusing solely on beautifying and aesthetically improving features of the face. He is considered today to be the leading specialist in Orange County when it comes to facelift surgery, rhinoplasty, and blepharoplasty, and is regarded as the finest facial plastic surgeon in Newport Beach.
With experts such as Dr. Batniji, the face lift operation may be divided into three separate parts: the neck-jowl lift, which is the lower portion of the face, the cheek lift, which refers to the middle portion of the face, and the forehead and eyebrow lift, the upper third. Most of the time, people will seek a combination of all three components, but occasionally, only one or two portions will be recommended by professionals.
Why do People Get Facelifts?
A facelift may be done for a variety of reasons. Perhaps the most common reason is to prevent the advancement of aging, or the appearance of age in someone’s face. Usually, a face lift can be the ideal procedure in helping relatively young individuals, typically around the age of fifty or younger, to appear younger for longer. Another option is to use a facelift to get rid of skin that is already sagging and wrinkling, and replace the appearance with something more revitalized, youthful, and fresher.
Most of the time, anyone who contemplates the prospect of having a face lift procedure will be interested to find out just how much improvement they can expect to see, and how long they can expect that improvement to last for. The amount of difference an individual experiences following their facelift surgery will depend largely on the degree of sagging and wrinkling that may already be present.
If the wrinkling is somewhat excessive, then the results given by an expert such as Dr. Batniji could be dramatic. On the other hand, if wrinkling is beginning to appear prematurely, and the operation is being carried out as a preventative feature to keep the patient looking younger, then the results could be far less dramatic.
How long do Face Lifts Last?
The duration of the results that are achieved with an expert surgeon through a facelift procedure cannot always be predicted accurately. If sagging and wrinkling on the face are somewhat severe, then it can take years for the skin to worsen to the condition that it was in before the surgery. If the degenerative process that happens to all of us as we grow older is occurring on a rapid basis, then sagging and wrinkling may also begin to accumulate more rapidly. In most cases, the duration of improvement that will follow a facelift will often bet anywhere between five and ten years.
However, this is an ideal estimation. The most important thing to remember is that no operation is capable of permanently preventing aging, but the right surgeon can help to keep you looking and feeling younger for longer.
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