(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Your body goes through changes with time. You start off, incapable of doing much as a newborn except breathing, eating, crying, and some basic movements, to gradually perfecting your ability to do everything from reading and writing to walking and talking and functioning as an adult in your teens, 20s, and 30s. Yet as you approach your 40s and beyond, your body and its ability to function starts to decline. Things like fluctuating weight, fragile bones, memory or hearing loss, skin imperfections, lowered mobility, and a host of other things begin to happen without much notice, making life a bit more complicated.
As most people would like to feel youthful or in their prime, the quest for the mythical “fountain of youth” or solution for reducing the signs of aging has been ongoing for centuries. If you know anything about the anti-aging industry, you know there are a lot of developments including remedies, lifestyle changes, and products for people to try to address this. Some will even jump through hoops trying everything under the sun to feel and look young again. But, are there things you can do to help your body age more healthily?
Taking the Right Supplements
Some of the most common products offered for supporting your health at any age are vitamins and supplements. Though some are general in nature and simply include your daily dose of necessary vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, others aim to intervene in mechanisms of aging. For instance, new supplements containing NAD+ precursors like nicotinamide riboside have been highly regarded for their potential to slow a key aspect of aging.
NAD+, also known as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a co-enzyme found in all human cells. Its function is to help maintain DNA health, aid the production of cellular energy, and regulate circadian rhythms- along with many other cellular functions. When taken daily, restoring levels of NAD+ supports cellular health.
What if taking a few practiced breaths in and out regularly could help to reduce your stress levels? Stress can be a huge culprit when it comes to speeding up the aging process. The body doesn’t respond to long periods of stress very well, often jumping into a fight or flight stage. As a result of being in this state for so long, you could easily suffer from weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other medical problems. Meditating may help with some of this. Not only can meditation help clear the mind, studies have shown that doing it regularly may be beneficial in a variety of areas, including depression, anxiety, cardiovascular health, and chronic pain. Will meditating make you live longer? Probably not, but it can help you enjoy the journey along the way.
Eliminating Refined Sugars
This one may be a bit easier said than done, but is still a fairly simple way to be healthier. The average person consumes pounds of refined sugar each year which can contribute to a multitude of problems from diabetes to heart disease. Not to mention too much sugar can result in facial breakouts, rashes, and other unsightly issues. If you want to add more life to your years, it is recommended that you start reducing your intake of refined sugars. Try alternative but natural sweeteners like stevia or agave instead to satisfy that sweet tooth.
Have Fun
All work and no play is a concept that many adults have adopted today. Most feel it is the only way to secure a living and achieve many of their goals. On the contrary, when you’re always focused on work and the stress it brings, this weighs heavily on your body and can sometimes escalate the aging process. Learn how to get out and have a good time. Spend it with friends and family or get out by yourself and do something you enjoy or something you’ve been dying to learn. Each will improve your mood and your emotional well-being and help to reduce the signs of aging.
Although you won’t always be in your 20s or 30s it doesn’t mean you can’t feel that way for the rest of your life. What if you found out that changing how we age was as simple as taking supplements, meditating, kicking refined carbs, and enjoying life? With solutions that simple, hopefully, you’ll be willing to give it a try. If you’re still having issues with the signs of aging and want solutions on how to cope, it may be best to talk with your doctor about a more personalized plan of action.