(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Halloween can be one of the most fun times of the year! There’s trick or treating, costume parties, pumpkin-carving, house decorations and lots of treats. Regardless of how you celebrate, make safety a priority to prevent injuries this Halloween.
VIDEO – https://youtu.be/HF3as5MGlzY
From October through November 2017, CPSC estimated a total of 4,500 Halloween-related injuries. (Infographic)
Keep your little ghost and goblins safe (and the big ones too) by following these CPSC safety tips:
Pumpkin Carving:
· Kid helpers can grab a spoon and scoop out the inside, or use a marker to trace the template, but leave the carving to the adults.
· When the masterpiece is carved, consider inserting a battery-operated light rather than an open-flame candle.
Costume Creating:
· When selecting fabric, use bright colors of polyester or nylon. Sheer cotton and rayon fabrics can burn rapidly if there is contact with an open flame.
· Avoid baggy or oversized costumes. Many injuries last year involved trips and falls.
· Eye and nose holes in masks should allow for full visibility and adequate breathing. Makeup is a safer alternative.
· Always use reflective tape as a trim for costumes and outerwear. A bright flashlight or glow stick can also help illuminate the walkways for the trick-or-treaters.
Creative Decorating:
· Prevent fires by using battery-operated lights and glow sticks instead of candles.
· Pay attention to placement of decorations. To help prevent falls, remove obstacles from lawns, steps and porches when expecting trick-or-treaters.
· Use CPSC’s ladder safety tips to prevent injuries while putting up or taking down decorations.
· For indoor décor, keep candles and jack-o’-lanterns away from curtains, decorations and other combustibles that could catch fire. Never leave burning candles unattended. It’s just safer to use battery-operated lights.
· Indoors or outside, use only lights that have been tested for safety by a recognized testing laboratory. Check each set of lights, new or old, for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections. Discard damaged sets.
Now that your costumes and decorations have been created and placed with safety in mind, don’t forget to have fun! Have a safe and spooky Halloween with your family and friends!
About U.S. CPSC:
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical or mechanical hazard. CPSC’s work to ensure the safety of consumer products – such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters and household chemicals – contributed to a decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 40 years.
Federal law bars any person from selling products subject to a publicly-announced voluntary recall by a manufacturer or a mandatory recall ordered by the Commission.
For more lifesaving information, follow us on Facebook, Instagram @USCPSC and Twitter @USCPSC or sign up to receive our e-mail alerts. To report a dangerous product or a product-related injury go online to www.SaferProducts.gov or call CPSC’s Hotline at 800-638-2772 or teletypewriter at 301-595-7054for the hearing impaired.
CPSC Consumer Information Hotline
Contact us at this toll-free number if you have questions about a recall:
800-638-2772 (TTY 301-595-7054)
Times: 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. ET; Messages can be left anytime
Call to get product safety and other agency information and to report unsafe products.