(HealthNewsDigest.com) – With the weather warming up for those living in the northern hemisphere, billions of people will be trying to make the most of it in the months ahead. While lounging around under the sun is great, warm weather gives us the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of healthy outdoor activities. Don’t let the summer of 2019 slip by without giving one of them a try or picking up where you left off last year. Put on some sunscreen and get going.
At a loss for what to do? Consider the following healthy outdoor activities:
Landscaping & Gardening
Tending to your lawn and garden throughout the summer is a great way to help stay in shape. What seems like a chore can turn into a hobby with the help of basic horticultural tips and handy advice provided by Nature’s Seed and other trustworthy online resources. These services are more than happy to help homeowners improve their lawn and garden this summer. A solid game plan for landscaping and gardening will help keep you motivated and inspire you to get out there and work hard on your passion project.
Swimming & Wading
Cool water provides welcome relief from the hot sun, but it’s also a great medium for exercise. The natural resistance of water requires men and women to expend more calories when moving around. While it’s no surprise swimming is considered one of the best ways to get into shape, folks are often surprised to learn how effective exercising in water can be with your feet touching the bottom. Wading while you do basic aerobatic maneuvers will maximize their calorie burning potential, helping folks make the most of their fitness routine.
Cycling & Skating
Those up for something slightly more adventurous than gardening or swimming ought to consider cycling or skating. Nearly everyone knows how to ride a bike and those who don’t can learn fast. Rollerblading and skateboarding tend to have a steeper learning curve, but the balance and acrobatic discipline involved make them great for those interested in burning calories and having fun in the process. Just make sure to wear a properly fitted helmet and appropriate padding to minimize the risk of serious injury.
Running & Hiking
Humans are natural runners, making this outdoor activity particularly attractive to most men and women interested in being healthier. Going from couch potato to marathon man won’t happen overnight, but building up the endurance to run for miles is something which can be achieved in as little as a few weeks. Those who prefer to go at a slower pace ought to consider hiking, particularly if they are close to nature trails. Whether running or hiking, make sure to invest in proper footwear and remember to stay properly hydrated.
Balls & Discs
Throwing or kicking the old ball around is something virtually everyone enjoys doing when the weather is warm. Racquet sports like tennis are also popular during the summer. Don’t forget the flying discs. Not only are these and similar activities sure to help folks burn calories and be healthier, they’re fun and exciting and help to improve hand-eye coordination.
Warm weather means it’s time to enjoy the outdoors, but kicking back on the beach or by the pool shouldn’t be the only way you take advantage of the summer months. The comfortable temperatures give people the chance to engage in a number of healthy activities which are not only beneficial but genuinely enjoyable.