(HealthNewsDigest.com) – There’s nothing quite like a group exercise class. If you’re looking to enhance your fitness, fun, and fellowship with others there’s nothing that can beat an excellent group exercise class.
The 5 classes profiled here all offer amazing health benefits. To choose between them, think about what your overall fitness goals are, and choose something you’ll be motivated to stick with.
1). High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Why is High Intensity Interval Training one of the more amazing group exercise classes out there?
Here’s why: with HIIT you will push yourself to your limits with intense, calorie-burning exercises that build strength, too, and all in a short period of time.
While individual results obviously vary, it’s not at all unheard of to be able to burn up to 1,000 calories in 45 minutes of training.
You can also try HIIT classes such as in-Haus HIIT, which features amazing pumped-up music. With all of these benefits, HIIT deserves its spot on this list. It’s a great way to burn calories, build strength, and save time.
2). Sculpting
If you’re looking to stay strong through fitness, consider a sculpting class. If you’re stuck at home during lockdown, you may well be doing some forms of this anyway.
The whole idea with sculpting is to build larger, more powerful muscles. This means bodyweight exercises and weights, particularly dumbbells and kettlebell.
These classes are admittedly lighter on the cardio – you may get a small amount as a warmup – but that isn’t their point. If you want to build muscle, this is one of the best approaches you can take. And by doing it in a group, you can stay safe and learn from other people.
3). Spinning
Do you enjoy cycling? Do you want to be able to do cycling rain or shine… but without having to worry about traffic, rain, or people’s dogs?
If so, consider a spinning class. It’s stationary bike riding, but with the ability to start as a beginner and work up to more advanced levels.
Best of all, spinning classes are designed with routines to keep you from ever getting bored, and they usually have heart-rate-elevating music.
Spinning classes offer the same kinds of fitness you’d associate with riding a bike: burning calories, building leg strength, and enhancing your core.
4). Yoga
Let’s be clear up front: yoga is for everyone, and yoga is amazing.
Yoga is a combination of breathing, exercise, and meditation, and it makes for some amazing exercise with incredible health benefits for both body and mind.
If you’re a beginner, you’ll have no shortage of yoga class options. You might try something like a Vinyasa yoga group fitness class, since those classes will teach you movement from one position to another. You’ll also strengthen your core and learn how to focus.
If you’re already fairly knowledgeable and you’ve done a lot of beginner-level yoga, you might try a power yoga class, such as Buti Yoga. These classes are for people who have more knowledge of yoga and have sufficient physical strength and stamina to take things to the next level.
You’ll likely find that yoga does wonders for your state of mind as well as your body. It’s the perfect way to increase fitness of body and mind.
5). Dance Fitness Classes
Like yoga, dance fitness classes are for everyone and they are amazing. One of the most popular forms of dance fitness is Zumba, and it’s not hard to see why: Zumba combines a series of energetic dance moves with stretches and repeat exercises, an absolutely seamless mix of exercise and dance.
People who do Zumba often experience an intense post-workout feeling of satisfaction afterward. That’s because Zumba is a workout that engages your arms, your legs, and of course your core.
When you spend an hour doing dance fitness moves to pumping, upbeat, energetic music, you’ll feel the welcome post-workout sensation of satisfaction and wellbeing from all the endorphins that have gone through your system.
If you’re more into hip-hop, try Bokwa, a South African hip-hop-themed dance fitness class. Like Zumba, Bokwa combines cardio-intensive dance and fitness with fun, upbeat music.
Exercise classes are a great way to learn new exercise skills while enhancing your fitness. Doing this in a group is a great way to learn, stay safe, and have people to help keep you accountable and motivated to keep showing up. They may also be able to help you if you have any difficulty.
All of the 5 classes here offer great fitness benefits. The trick is to choose the one that you’ll want to stick with.