(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Rockville, Md. (February 11, 2021)—The popularity of e-cigarettes continues to grow, especially among children and young adults. Some researchers have even suggested the devices are safer than traditional cigarettes. But a new research article published in the American Physiological Society’s journal, Function, makes clear the “urgent need” for scientists to uncover a lot more data about e-cigarettes’ adverse health effects. One of the reasons cited for the need for more data is the fact that particles from e-cigarettes are spread over a wider range in the body than standard cigarettes. In addition, some of the toxicants in e-cigarettes may also contribute to cardiovascular damage different from that of combustible cigarettes. The scientists also noted the critical need “to determine both the acute and the long-term effects of e-cigarettes on the hearts and blood vessels of healthy adults and children, as well as those with either risk factors for cardiovascular disease or outright cardiovascular disease and to determine the comparative safety of e-cigarettes relative to combustible cigarettes.”
Read the full article, “E-cigarettes and cardiopulmonary health,” published ahead of print in Function.