An interview with Samuel Thrope, PhD on his NLM History Talk and his work with Islamic medical manuscripts. Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: 1500s
Precautions for Doctors, 1495
Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Richard Tait, PhD, who shares his research on a rare incunable in the National Library of Medicine’s collection. Dr. Tait Continue reading Source: NLM
The Langenburg Manuscript, ca. 1580
By Pia F. Cuneo ~ Originally published in Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine, 2011. Just as there are many different kinds of people, Continue reading Source: NLM
Remembering the Saints of the Plague
By Laura Hartman ~ Today, as many Western Christian churches celebrate All Saints’ Day, it seems fitting to remember the saints in the historical collections Continue reading Source: NLM
Of Unica and…Unicorns?—Identifying Unique Holdings at NLM
By Krista Stracka ~ The National Library of Medicine recently digitized a 1501 edition of what is commonly considered the first printed book on distillation. Continue reading Source: NLM
On Latin and the Rooster in Medicine
By Atalanta Grant-Suttie ~ Latin has been part of the fabric of communication in the Western World for centuries. It was the scholarly and administrative Continue reading Source: NLM
Treatise of Artificial Waters
By Margaret Kaiser ~ Herbs have been grown and used as medicine for thousands of years. Le Traicte des eaues artificielles les vertus & propriétés Continue reading Source: NLM
Sitting by the Fireside: African American History, Women’s History, and Food
Fire and Freedom: Food and Enslavement in Early America recognizes the ways in which meals can tell us how power is exchanged between and among different peoples, races, genders, and classes. Continue…
Palmistry: The Future in the Palm of Your Hand
By Atalanta Grant-Suttie Some people think palmistry (or chiromancy as it is sometimes known) is hocus pocus and that it is all nonsense. How can Continue reading Source: NLM
Why me?
Mosquito bites can be serious, some of the insects are vectors for diseases. Continue reading Source: NLM
A New Herbal in the Collection
By Margaret Kaiser The Library has recently acquired a rare work on medicinal plants by Leonhart Fuchs: Le Benefice commun de tout le monde, ou Continue reading Source: NLM
“Beyond Chicken Soup” with a Taste of NLM
By Karen Falk and Jeffrey S. Reznick During the past few years, the NLM History of Medicine Division has loaned items from its collections for Continue reading Source: NLM
A Mughal Era Manuscript Curiously Illustrated
By Homira Pashai The National Library of Medicine is the home of many precious manuscripts belonging to the Indian Mughal era (16th–18th century). Among these Continue reading Source: NLM
Colonialism and the Plant Hunters
By Michael North This post is the fifth in a series exploring the National Library of Medicine’s rich and varied collection of “herbals,” which are Continue reading Source: NLM
Research Reborn: Dioscorides and Mattioli
By Michael North This post is the fourth in a series exploring the National Library of Medicine’s rich and varied collection of “herbals,” which are Continue reading Source: NLM
An Early Look at the Turkey
Turkeys were one of many animals and plants the Europeans encountered in the New World beginning in 1492. In 1555, Conrad Gessner described the Turkey in the third volume of his famous…
A German Botanical Renaissance
By Michael North ~ This post is the third in a series exploring the National Library of Medicine’s rich and varied collection of “herbals,” which Continue reading Source: NLM
NLM’s Unique Early English Books Now Online
By Krista Stracka Earlier this summer, the National Library of Medicine announced the release of Unique English Imprints, pre-1800, a new collection available now through Continue reading Source: NLM
Medieval Herbals in Movable Type
By Michael North This post is the second in a series exploring the National Library of Medicine’s rich and varied collection of “herbals,” which are Continue reading Source: NLM
The Earliest Herbals
By Michael North This post is the first in a series exploring the National Library of Medicine’s rich and varied collection of “herbals,” which are Continue reading Source: NLM