An interview with William D. Adams, PhD on his NLM History Talk and his research on visual perception and art. Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: 1920s
Scan-on-Demand: Home Health, 1903
The National Library of Medicine’s Scan-on-Demand program provides the public with offsite access to digitized copies of historical medical materials published before 1924. Continue reading Source: NLM
Don’t be SAD: A Very Brief History of Light Therapy
By Michael Sappol As December 21, the shortest day of the year approaches, when the gray and dark is at its height and golden sunshine Continue reading Source: NLM
Fresh Air and the White Plague
Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Cynthia Connolly. Dr. Connolly is Associate Professor of Nursing at the Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History Continue reading Source: NLM
The Wonder in Us, 1921
By Michael Sappol ~ Originally published in Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine, 2011. In the early decades of the twentieth century a modernizing Continue reading Source: NLM