By Christie Moffatt and Elizabeth A. Mullen ~ Annually on December 1st, World AIDS Day energizes the public to unite in the fight against AIDS Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: Aids
Making A Case for Comic Books in the Classroom
By Ginny A. Roth ~ Comics, whether created to entertain or inform, have a place in the classroom. Continue reading Source: NLM
World AIDS Day, COVID-19 Vaccines Are Critical
( – Dec. 1, 2021— People living with HIV experience more severe outcomes and have higher comorbidities from COVID-19 than people not living with HIV, according to the 2020 UNAIDS Global Update.
June 5, 1981—The First Report of AIDS in the U.S.
~ By Erika Mills In the June 5, 1981 edition of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), the CDC described a rare lung infection Continue reading Source: NLM
HIV/AIDS, 40 Years After the First Cases Were Officially Reported
( – Saturday, June 5, marks the 40th anniversary of the first official reported cases of what became known as AIDS. The University of Michigan has experts who can discuss.
Prevention Posters Push the Message
By Ginny A. Roth ~ Before the age of social media, posters were a primary form of visual communication meant to catch the public’s eye Continue reading Source: NLM
First in Human: The Trials of Building 10
By Rebecca Warlow ~ A new documentary, First in Human: The Trials of Building 10, produced by McGee Media for the Discovery Channel, explores the Continue reading Source: NLM
Color Me Healthy
By Ginny A. Roth More than just a tool to keep children occupied, coloring books provide an entertaining, friendly, and interactive medium that can simplify Continue reading Source: NLM