This collection of arsenic-laden wallpaper samples required special housing. NLM conservators encapsulated the pages in polyester film, welded shut with support from Smithsonian Libraries… Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: arsenic
“Facts and Inferences”—Digitizing Shadows from the Walls of Death Part 3
NLM has digitized and made publicly available for the first time, one of four known copies of Shadows from the Walls of Death: Facts and Continue reading Source: NLM
“Facts and Inferences”—Digitizing Shadows from the Walls of Death Part 2
NLM has digitized and made publicly available for the first time, one of four known copies of Shadows from the Walls of Death: Facts and Continue reading Source: NLM
“Facts and Inferences”—Digitizing Shadows from the Walls of Death Part 1
NLM has digitized and made publicly available for the first time, one of four known copies of Shadows from the Walls of Death: Facts and Continue reading Source: NLM