By Danielle Calle ~ I’ve just joined the National Library of Medicine (NLM), one of a cohort of emerging library, archives, and information science professionals Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: digital preservation
The “PROMIS” of Computer-Based Medical Records
The National Library of Medicine recently acquired the Patient/Problem Oriented Medical Record System Archives, a collection of materials related to the development of an early Continue reading Source: NLM
The Opioid Epidemic: Collecting Now for Future Research
By Susan L. Speaker and Christie Moffatt ~ In October 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the current opioid epidemic a Continue reading Source: NLM
Scientists’ Hard Drives, Databases, and Blogs
Trevor Owens, PhD, will will speak at 2 PM ET on April 5th at the National Library of Medicine on “Scientists’ Hard Drives, Databases, and Blogs: Preservation Continue reading Source: NLM
Revealing Data: Explorations of Data in Collections
By Christie Moffatt ~ We hear about data every day. In historical medical collections, data abounds, both quantitative and qualitative. In its format, scope, and Continue reading Source: NLM
Future Historical Collections: Archiving the 2014 Ebola Outbreak
Christie Moffatt spoke today at the National Library of Medicine on “Future Historical Collections: Archiving the 2014 Ebola Outbreak.” Ms. Moffatt is an Archivist & Continue reading Source: NLM
Autism and Alzheimer’s on the Web
By Maureen Harlow Capturing websites and keeping copies of them for the future to represent how they looked and what they said at a certain Continue reading Source: NLM
Emerging Trends in Digital Stewardship
Sharing new projects and experiences in digital stewardship was the theme of a recent National Digital Stewardship Resident (NDSR) symposium “Emerging Trends in Digital Stewardship,” Continue reading Source: NLM