After losing her partner to fentanyl, Gwen Dudley discusses the grief associated with holidays and encourages people to support friends struggling with loss. Continue reading…
Category: Drugs
Lawrence Kolb—Mental Health as Public Health
By Susan L. Speaker ~ The National Library of Medicine recently launched a new Profiles in Science site featuring psychiatrist Lawrence Kolb (1881–1972). This Profile Continue reading Source: NLM
Coffee Rationing During World War II
By Anne Rothfeld ~ Coffee shops today are ubiquitous: nearly every street corner, airport, hotel, grocery store offers coffee in a myriad of forms. Yet, Continue reading Source: NLM
Anti-bleeding Drug is Safe for ‘high-risk’ Patients Undergoing Hip Surgery
( – May 3, 2022 – Tranexamic acid (TXA) – a medication given to reduce the risk of bleeding during some orthopaedic surgical procedures – can be safely used in patients with intertrochanteric (IT) hip fractures….
Methadone Most Effective Drug in Medication-assisted Treatment for Opioid-use Disorder
( – CLEVELAND—Medications for opioid-use disorder (OUD) are associated with lower death rates and improved quality of life for people in recovery.
Mesothelioma Drugs, Once Hailed as Gamechangers, Don’t Live Up to the Hype
( – Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is an aggressive cancer mostly related to asbestos exposure whose incidence is constantly rising, especially in low-income countries.
Robotic Pill Can Orally Deliver Huge Doses of Biologic Drugs
( – Biologic drugs—so named because they are typically isolated from a living source, rather than chemically synthesized—are used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including diabetes, inflammatory diseases, and certain types of cancer.
New Drug Combination More Effective Against SARS-CoV-2
( – Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) and University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine have identified a powerful combination of antivirals to treat COVID-19.
HIV Incidence Rising Steeply Among Those Who Inject Drugs in Tijuana
( – At the February 11, 2022 opening of the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine presented data that suggests a new HIV outbreak in Tijuana, Mexico
1 in 16 Women Take Harmful Drugs During Pregnancy
( – GAINESVILLE, Fla. — In a review of more than 3 million pregnancies, University of Florida researchers found 1 in 16 women were exposed to harmful teratogenic drugs — medications that can cause pregnancy loss, birth defects and other health problems for the unborn child.
Repurposing Existing Drugs to Treat Patients with COVID-19
( – The project, funded by the Medical Research Council, will bring together experts from Queen’s, University of Liverpool and University of Oxford.
Speedy, On-site Drug Detection Key to Reducing Impacts of Addiction
( – UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Rapid, accessible and highly accurate detection of addictive substances such as opiates and cocaine is vital to reducing the adverse personal and societal impacts of addiction….
Combination Drug Therapy?
( – When you open a carton of Neapolitan ice cream, how do you scoop? Maybe you grab some chocolate and strawberry together, or maybe you eat one flavor at a time.
Why Parkinson’s Drug Improves, Then Diminishes Quality of Life
( – Irvine, Calif., — A team of University of California, Irvine researchers has discovered a possible reason why L-dopa, the front-line drug for treating Parkinson’s disease, loses efficacy and causes dyskinesia
Long-Term Use of Blood Pressure Drugs May Cause Kidney Damage
( – CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., Jan. 11, 2022 – New kidney research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine is raising concerns that long-term use of drugs commonly prescribed to treat high-blood pressure and heart failure could be contributing to kidney damage.
Unlocking Secrets of a Critical Schistosomiasis Drug
( – SAN ANTONIO – Independent teams from Texas Biomedical Research Institute and the Medical College of Wisconsin have published two papers in Science Translational Medicine….
Common Flower Species Holds Promise for Beneficial Psychedelic Drugs
( – Thanks to a symbiotic fungus, many species of morning glories contain elements of powerful psychedelic drugs, according to a new Tulane University study
Drug Combination Found to Keep Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia in Young Patients in Remission
( – Young patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) can enjoy long remissions on the drug ibrutinib, but must stay on it indefinitely to keep the cancer in remission.
Putting Cancer Cells to Sleep, New Drug Could Prevent Tumor Metastasis
( – A new therapeutic approach prevents the growth of metastatic tumors in mice by forcing cancer cells into a dormant state in which they are unable to proliferate.
Heart Failure Drug No Better than Older Drug in Sickest Patients
( – A new study led by researchers at suggests that a widely used heart failure drug named sacubitril/valsartan is no better than valsartan alone in patients with severe heart failure.