The Louis W. Sullivan Papers document his tenure as Secretary of HHS from 1989-1993, his work at Morehouse School of Medicine, and his work on public and minority health programs and racial…
Category: Education
Psychiatric Interview Films in the Age of Reform
Explore a new addition to Medicine on Screen: Films and Essays from NLM, a curated, freely-accessible portal presenting digitized historical titles from the Library’s world-renowned audiovisuals collection. Continue reading Source: NLM
Cardiologist to Perform a Live Heart Procedure at International Medical Education Event
( – DETROIT – For the third straight year, Henry Ford Hospital interventional cardiologist Khaldoon Alaswad, M.D. will perform a live heart procedure as part of an international interactive medical education event, with proceeds benefiting hospitals in Ukraine.
How People’s Beliefs Impact Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Programs
( – Overdose education and naloxone distribution are key parts of a comprehensive response to the overdose epidemic, and evidence supports expansion of these programs in the U.S. to reduce fatal overdoses.
Hybrid Learning Led to Significant Reduction in Covid-19 Spread
( – As communities continue a shift toward normalcy in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have helped quantify the effectiveness of one of the most commonly-debated mitigation measures taken across the country.
Education Systems Were First Designed to Suppress Dissent
( – Public primary schools were created by states to reinforce obedience among the masses and maintain social order, rather than serve as a tool for upward social mobility
For-Profit Colleges Increase Student Debt
( – ITHACA, N.Y. – Attending for-profit colleges causes students to take on more debt and to default at higher rates, on average, compared with similarly selective public institutions in their communities
‘U.S. News & World Report’s’ 2023 ‘Best Graduate Programs’
( – Several Florida Atlantic University graduate programs are included in the latest U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Graduate Programs” for 2023.
Increase Physical Education in Colorado Schools
( – Once a week, a group of nine-year-old students get up from their desks, form a line and walk down the hall to the gymnasium at Jackson Elementary in Greeley.
Studying Abroad Delays Graduation?
( – Studying abroad in college can be a glamorous, once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity. But is it also a distraction that slows students from completing degrees and moving on with careers?
E’s of Talking About First Periods With Adolescents: Education and Exposure
( – January 27, 2022. A study in the US revealed that 58% of adolescents believe they are negatively affected by the stigma surrounding periods. On top of that, the slow return to pre-pandemic social life might trigger additional anxiety for them.
Racial Divides in K-12 Remote Schooling Impact During Pandemic
( – More than 70% of K-12 students across the country experienced some remote schooling during the 2020-21 school year, with stark differences emerging along regional and racial lines and the worst effects on students’ social relationships….
School Reopenings ‘Substantially’ Increased COVID-19 Spread in Texas
( – LEXINGTON, Ky. (May 12, 2021) — Millions of students haven’t been in the classroom since March 2020, and it’s sparking a national debate.
Study Shows Education Is Not Enough to Overcome Inequality
( – A recent study finds that social inequality persists, regardless of educational achievement – particularly for men.
Universal Preschool in the United States by 2040 is Achievable
( – Universal high-quality preschool is achievable within the next 30 years if the federal government and state and local governments partner to share costs….
COVID-19 Testing in Schools Complex But Doable, Worth the Effort – RAND Study
( – A RAND Corporation report funded by The Rockefeller Foundation shows that COVID-19 testing can be effectively integrated into K-12 schools’ pandemic response plans, helping families and staff feel more comfortable with in-person instruction.
School Closures ‘Sideline’ Working Mothers
( – Decades of feminist gains in the workforce have been undermined by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has upended public education across the United States, a critical infrastructure of care that parents — especially mothers….
Chula Veterinary Students Developed “RightBaan” Web Application to Help Find New Homes for Stray Animals
( – The “RightBaan” web application, collecting important information and the history of the animals, finds a new home for stray animals.
High School Students Tend to Get More Motivated Over Time
( – COLUMBUS, Ohio – Parents may fear that if their high school student isn’t motivated to do well in classes, there’s nothing that will change that.
In a Contentious Era, How Do Friends with Different Values Stick Together? Faculty and Student Research Sheds Light
( – Americans are perhaps more polarized today than at any time since the Civil War.