Some of the most fragile health systems in the world can teach us ways to respond to public health threats early and effectively. Continue Reading
Category: epidemic
Night-Mares in the Stacks
By Nicole Baker ~ For centuries, sleep paralysis has afflicted people around the world. Known colloquially in English as “old hag” syndrome, sleep paralysis has Continue reading Source: NLM
Socio-Cultural Responses within India during Times of Pandemic Disease
An interview with John Mathew, PhD on his NLM History Talk and his work on cultural memories of pandemics in India. Continue reading Source: NLM
Defoe and the Plague Year
By Stephen J. Greenberg ~ Until recently, if one thought of Daniel Defoe at all, it was of Robinson Crusoe, alone (well, not quite alone) Continue reading Source: NLM
Making Exhibition Connections: Spokane County Library District
Libraries, museums, and organizations throughout the United States and across the world host National Library of Medicine (NLM) traveling exhibitions. These sites plan and present Continue reading Source: NLM
Education in the Eighties: Preserving HIV/AIDS Audiovisuals
By Sarah Eilers ~ This year, the Historical Audiovisuals Program at the National Library of Medicine (NLM), with support from the Exhibition Program, digitally preserved Continue reading Source: NLM
Airborne Infection Control in 20-Century Peace and War
By Tom Quick ~ The world can change unexpectedly in times of crisis. This story begins, like so many histories of medicine, with an illness. Continue reading Source: NLM
What’s Behind the Mask
By Elizabeth Mullen ~ As the end of October approaches many people begin to think about costumes. A Halloween mask could frighten your friends, hide Continue reading Source: NLM
Droplet Infection Explained in Pictures
Circulating Now welcomes guest bloggers Katherine Randall, Linsey C. Marr, PhD, and E. Thomas Ewing, PhD to explore the history of public health messaging during the 1918 influenza epidemic. Continue reading Source:…
Commencement During Coronavirus
By Christie Moffatt and Elizabeth Mullen ~ Like many other events this year, graduation was special, due to circumstances defining how graduates are entering the Continue reading Source: NLM
Archiving at a Distance
By Danielle Calle ~ I’ve just joined the National Library of Medicine (NLM), one of a cohort of emerging library, archives, and information science professionals Continue reading Source: NLM
Relics of the Infectious Past: Disease Warning Sign Collection
By Charles Rosenberg ~ Originally published in Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine, 2011. The history of public health cannot be understood without artifacts Continue reading Source: NLM
NLM Exhibitions and Epidemics
By Patricia Tuohy~ I am not an historian of medicine. However, many of the historians of medicine with whom I’ve worked have wryly talked about Continue reading Source: NLM
Remembering the Saints of the Plague
By Laura Hartman ~ Today, as many Western Christian churches celebrate All Saints’ Day, it seems fitting to remember the saints in the historical collections Continue reading Source: NLM
The Opioid Epidemic: Collecting Now for Future Research
By Susan L. Speaker and Christie Moffatt ~ In October 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared the current opioid epidemic a Continue reading Source: NLM
Web Collecting During the Zika Outbreak
By Christie Moffatt ~ This week is “Mosquito Control Awareness week,” and agencies across the Department of Health and Human Services are taking this opportunity Continue reading Source: NLM
Ebola at One Year
By Elizabeth Mullen and Christie Moffatt This week marks one year since the World Health Organization announced that the deadly outbreak in Guinea was Ebola. Continue reading Source: NLM
Circulating Now welcomes Dr. Morens, Senior Advisor to the Director of the NIAID and an epidemiologist with a long-standing interest in emerging infectious diseases, virology, tropical medicine, and medical history. Continue reading…
Influenza Precautions, Then and Now
Dr. Tom Ewing, Professor of History at Virginia Tech offers a comparison of health recommendations during the Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1918 and today. Continue reading Source: NLM
Future Historical Collections: Archiving the 2014 Ebola Outbreak
Of the information about Ebola on the web, what will remain one, ten, or even fifty years from now? This content is at high risk for loss. Continue reading Source: NLM