Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Richard Tait, PhD, who shares his research on a rare incunable in the National Library of Medicine’s collection. Dr. Tait Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: forensic
What Makes a Murderer: Dr. Bernard Glueck’s Psychological Evaluations
By James Labosier ~ Every murder is unique. Two nineteen-year-old sons of wealthy Chicago families kill a neighborhood boy in 1924 because they think they’re Continue reading Source: NLM
Letters Shed Light on Huey Long’s Murder Mystery
By Divyansh Agarwal ~ A seemingly typical Sunday evening in Louisiana, September 8, 1935, was about to become extraordinary. The House of Representatives had organized Continue reading Source: NLM
From Private Matter to Public Health Crisis
Dr. Catherine Jacquet spoke today at the National Library of Medicine on “From Private Matter to Public Health Crisis: Nursing and the Intervention into Domestic Continue reading Source: NLM
Remembering Clyde Snow, 1928–2014
By Erika Mills and Elizabeth A. Mullen Poring over bones left in mass graves and clandestine burial sites, seeking answers that might shed light on Continue reading Source: NLM