By Stephen P. Rice ~ Originally published in Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine, 2011. This multilingual eye-test chart, published in 1907, was the Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: global health
Obamacare Sign-Ups Top 16 Million for 2023, Setting Another Record
Enrollment in plans through the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces broke last year’s record, with particularly high growth in Florida, Texas and Georgia. Continue Reading Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act…
Making a World of Difference: Stories About Global Health
By Erika Mills ~ Around the world, communities, in collaboration with scientists, advocates, governments, and international organizations, are taking up the challenge to prevent illness Continue reading Source: NLM
Behind the Camera: World Health Organization Photographers
By Ginny A. Roth ~ The National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) collection of approximately 600 The World Health Organization (WHO) photographs is an emotional, visual Continue reading Source: NLM
Commencement During Coronavirus
By Christie Moffatt and Elizabeth Mullen ~ Like many other events this year, graduation was special, due to circumstances defining how graduates are entering the Continue reading Source: NLM
The WHO’s Alma-Ata Declaration of 1978
Ted Brown, Ph.D. will give a Special Lecture in honor and memory of Elizabeth Fee (1946–2018) on Thursday, October 17, 2019 at 2:00 ET in Continue reading Source: NLM
World Health Organization: Picturing Health for All
Now open at NLM, a special display featuring a selection of images drawn from our Prints & Photographs collection. Since the 1950s, the WHO has commissioned photojournalists to capture the transformative impact…
Remembering Elizabeth Fee, PhD, 1946-2018
Dr. Fee served most recently as NLM Senior Historian and previously as Chief of the NLM History of Medicine Division for over two decades. On October 17 Ted Brown, Professor of History…
Global Healing
By Ginny A. Roth ~ “I have always been drawn to people and have sought to see them compassionately and with understanding through the lens Continue reading Source: NLM