Circulating Now welcomes guest blogger Jen Woronow. Her research explores historic and contemporary conflicts with an emphasis on examining the human side of war. Today Continue reading Source: NLM
Category: Japan
“Human bullets,” A Russo-Japanese War Photo Album
By Alexander Bay ~ Originally published in Hidden Treasure: The National Library of Medicine, 2011. This essay takes a look at an album of 50 Continue reading Source: NLM
Wartime Incarceration of Deaf Japanese Americans
Circulating Now welcomes Selena Moon, MA, a public historian researching Japanese American mixed race history, military history, and disability history. Today she joins us to Continue reading Source: NLM
The First Calamity of the Nuclear Age
The atomic bomb exploded over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. In this report issued in November 1945, Japanese army doctors labored to describe what they had seen and done. Continue reading Source:…