(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Choosing which water to drink, like coffee, is a lot more complicated these days than it used to be a decade ago. We have many types of water to choose from including bottled water, tap, carbonated or sparkling, flavored water, vitamin water, and distilled. We’ve recently discussed that water is a vital nutrient, so let’s discuss the types that are available to us.
Bottled Water Bottled water has become popular for many reasons including its portability. Also, many of us think that it is healthier than tap as well. Bottled water is regulated by the FDA in the U.S., and the NSF Consumer Affairs Office publishes a list of bottlers that participate in the quality beverage certification program. Products evaluated and certified by NSF International including bottled water carry the NSF mark (Scroll down to the end for a link). Experts recommend that we avoid exposing bottled water to heat or excessive sunlight. We should also not store it close to any cleaning chemicals, or in a garage or basement where it might be exposed to gasoline fumes, toxic chemicals, or excessive dampness. In addition, like any other plastic containers that we buy food in, if the container gets hot, it may get “soft” or as a chemist friend once remarked to me, “It can leach chemicals from the bottle into the water”! Let’s not leave the bottled water or empty bottle (which we refill) in the car either, especially now during summer.
Tap Water contains fluoride. Fluoride is an important mineral for our bone health including our teeth. When we do not have enough, our teeth become more susceptible to cavities, and it’s especially important during the growth years. The last time I sent this tip, I recommended that we include fluoridated tap water in our water intake and use a filter when necessary. There are now bottled waters that include fluoride as well. Now, a report issued back in 2005 from the U.S. Department of Environmental Protection Agency Union Chapter 280, called for a Congressional hearing about the safety of Fluoridated water especially during the growing years. I’m not recommending that we stop drinking tap water, but I am suggesting that we stay informed of future developments. Here’s a link to the press release and more info: http://nteu280.org/Issues/Fluoride/Press%20Release.%20Fluoride.htm Please note, the EPA itself has not issued any warnings to date against fluoride although they do have guidelines set, which are important for children under 9. Want to learn more about your local water? Go to http://www.epa.gov/safewater/dwinfo/index.html
Distilled water is tap water that has been purified, turned into steam and then condensed back into liquid form. It is free of bacteria, minerals and chemicals. Some of these minerals do offer us health benefits but on a lighter note, distilled water does not clog our iron, or add fine particles to our coffee machine. It also makes better tasting ice. Mineral water is water from a spring or well that does contains minerals. Some bottled waters have more minerals than others, and some have more sodium than others. It depends upon where the water is from. Most of these minerals are beneficial, however mineral/spring water doesn’t mean purified or 100% bacteria free.
Flavored waters are bottled waters with added sugar, and now more recently we have vitamin water too. Many of us have an easier time drinking a flavored water so I usually suggest adding fresh lemon, lime, orange or any other fruit ourselves, which will increase our intake of vitamins at the same time using fresh fruit. Don’t have the time? The added sugar from flavored water usually adds just a few harmless calories., If this is the only type of water we are drinking because it helps us to drink vs. not drink, let’s just look for a naturally sweetened water or a vitamin water using a natural fruit source.
Seltzer vs. Club Soda Water. Seltzer is sodium free while club contains about 75 mg. for 12 ounces. Tonic water by the way, contains 125 calories for 12 ounces so if we’re watching our weight, let’s stick with Club or Seltzer.
So, should we drink tap or bottled? I’m not sure we should give up drinking all tap, but let’s stay tuned. The important thing for us to remember is to drink. Approximately 75% of bottled waters come from protected groundwater that have been disinfected with ozone rather than chlorine (this is a good thing). Some though have been found to contain small amounts of bacteria, considered insignificant. Choosing well known brands is our best bet. Scroll down to the link on certified bottlers.
Here’s to our Health!
June M Lay M.S.
June Fit
Contact the U.S. Environmental Agency for more information about toxic substances or fluoride. Here is the link to the list of NSF certified bottled water products
or click here http://www.nsf.org/Certified/consumer/listings_results.asp?KeyWords=&ProgramCode=BW&CompanyName=&ProductName=&SearchType=QUICK&prog_add=N&prod_cnt=290&comp_cnt=149&ShowCompany=N
Still posted is my Lobster Mango Salad for my “Summertime Salads and the Eating is Easy” Series at http://www.junefit.com/tips_recipehp.htm.
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Junefit, 2009
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