(HealthNewsDigest.com)-To help kids succeed in school and beyond, parents can take three simple but possibly surprising steps:
1. Read aloud and to yourself: In addition to reading to children, let them see you reading for your own enjoyment.
2. Present the practical: Have youngsters help you cook and shop to show them such important math and science concepts as measuring, adding and making change.
3. Go with the media flow: Instead of confronting their children about the electronic equipment they enjoy, many savvy parents are taking a tip from America’s schools and using media to make learning fun.
Research by The Kaiser Family Foundation shows students consume media over six hours a day-eight when exposure to multiple forms of media at the same time is included. Recognizing this trend, teachers and school administrators across the country have turned to digital content as a new tool to engage students in learning.
Scott Kinney, a former school district technology coordinator, explains the many advantages of digital content over traditional textbooks, DVDs and VHS tapes.
“Digital content is more engaging for today’s students because it’s a medium they are already familiar and comfortable with,” said Kinney. “It’s more flexible and often less expensive than a textbook. But most importantly, there’s evidence that the frequent use of educational digital content is associated with higher achievement scores in math and reading.”
Recognizing the critical role parents play in student academic success, the leader in bringing digital content to both schools and home, Discovery Education, has a Classroom Resources Web site where parents and students can find:
• The Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE Fuel Our Future Now program, which fuels student curiosity in science, technology, engineering and math
• Scotch Science Fair Central, which provides clear guidance to parents on how to help students capture the spirit of innovation as they plan, complete and present a successful science fair project
• Ready Classroom, a program that educates children about severe weather and disaster preparedness
• Hallmark’s Motivation Station, which offers creative and useful ideas for motivating students throughout the year.
“Today’s classrooms are using digital content to teach 21st century students,” says Kinney. “Through Discovery Education’s Classroom Resources Web site, the tools being used in the classroom are made available to parents.”
Free Educational Material
You can access these and other free resources at http://school.discoveryeducation.com or call (800) 323-9084.
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