(HealthNewsDigest.com)-Nearly everyone knows someone who has lost their job since the recession began. Unemployment today is at its highest level in 25 years. As a result, the number of people without health insurance is also projected to grow.
Making ends meet and paying bills without a steady paycheck can be overwhelming. To address the growing and changing needs of uninsured Americans who have recently lost their jobs and do not have prescription coverage, Pfizer has launched a unique, new patient assistance program called Pfizer MAINTAIN™.
MAINTAIN helps newly unemployed Americans and their families without prescription coverage, who are in financial need, get access to their Pfizer medicine free-of-charge for up to 12 months or until they become insured, whichever comes first. People enrolled in MAINTAIN can get access to more than 70 Pfizer medicines that treat a range of chronic health conditions, helping them to continue treatment with the medicine prescribed by their health care professionals.
The inspiration for MAINTAIN came from Pfizer employees who were witnessing friends, family and neighbors struggle to make ends meet after losing their jobs. “We thought there must be some way we could help recently unemployed people who are taking Pfizer medicines to continue treatment during these challenging economic times,” said Jorge Puente, MD, regional president of worldwide pharmaceuticals for Pfizer.
To be eligible for the program, applicants must be able to demonstrate loss of employment on or after January 1, 2009; lack prescription coverage; attest to financial hardship; and be on their Pfizer medicine for at least three months prior to unemployment and enrolling in the program. The program is expected to accept applications through December 31, 2009. To get more information or find out if you may be eligible, contact Pfizer Helpful Answers® at (866) 706-2400 or visit www.PfizerHelpfulAnswers.com.
MAINTAIN is part of Pfizer Helpful Answers, a family of patient assistance programs that helps uninsured and underinsured Americans get Pfizer medicines for free or at a savings. It is the largest and most extensive initiative of its kind in the United States. People who do not qualify for MAINTAIN should contact Pfizer Helpful Answers to learn if they may be eligible for another of Pfizer’s patient assistance programs.
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