Key Flu Indicators
( – Each week CDC analyzes information about influenza disease activity in the United States and publishes findings of key flu indicators in a report called FluView. During the week of March 21-27, 2010, nationally most key flu indicators remained about the same as during the previous week; however, increasing activity has been reported in certain areas. Below is a summary of the most recent key indicators:
Visits to doctors for influenza-like illness (ILI) remained stable and relatively low nationally. However, ILI is also looked at by region, and one of 10 U.S. regions, region 9, reported elevated ILI for the week ending March 27. Region 9 is comprised of Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada. (Last week, regions 4, 7 and 9 had elevated ILI.)
Laboratory-confirmed hospitalizations rates have leveled off and very few hospitalizations were reported by states during the week ending March 27; however, some states in the Southeast are reporting recent increases in the number of flu-related hospitalizations.
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) based on the 122 Cities Report increased over last week and is now above baseline. One flu-related pediatric death was reported this week, and it was associated with 2009 H1N1. Since April 2009, CDC has received reports of 333 laboratory-confirmed pediatric deaths: 279 due to 2009 H1N1, 52 pediatric deaths that were laboratory confirmed as influenza A, but the flu virus subtype was not determined, and two pediatric deaths that were associated with seasonal influenza viruses. (Laboratory-confirmed deaths are thought to represent an undercount of the actual number. CDC has provided estimates about the number of 2009 H1N1 cases and related hospitalizations and deaths).
No states reported widespread influenza activity. Three states reported regional influenza activity. They are: Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. Local and regional flu activity has been sustained in the Southeast United States over the past several weeks.
The majority of the influenza viruses identified so far continue to be 2009 H1N1 influenza A viruses. These viruses remain similar to the virus chosen for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine and remain susceptible to the antiviral drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir with rare exception.
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