(HealthNewsDigest.com) – How can you appear instantly younger and slimmer? No, we’re not talking about a rejuvenating cream but an exercise that guarantees even more dramatic results. Back extensions target the erector spinae group, strengthening the muscles that run the length of your spine so you stand taller and straighter. They also improve mobility in the upper and middle back, reversing a forward slouch. As you lift your chest and gently arch your upper back, you open the front of the shoulders to create an open, confident posture. The total effect is more youthful and slenderizing.
The three exercises below provide a progression for mastering the proper form. For all variations, repeat 10-15 times.
Supported Back Extension: If you are not used to bending backward begin with this version, either standing or sitting up straight. To avoid any compression in the low back, lengthen through the spine by lifting the top of the head toward the ceiling before you start to arch.
Place your hands on your buttocks just below your waist, fingers pointing down
Take a deep breath and lengthen the torso, separating the ribs from the hips
Exhale and lift the chest up as you pull your elbows toward each other, causing the upper back to arch slightly
Release back to center and repeat
Sun Salutation: This is a wonderful full-body stretch to counteract tight, shortened muscles.
My 92-year old client loves this movement. Again, you can stand or sit up straight.
Interlock your thumbs and reach your arms overhead, keeping your ears between your elbows
Inhale, lengthen through the spine.
Tighten your hips, thighs and buttocks to protect your low back
Exhale and reach up and back, maintaining the position of the head between the elbows.
Raise your eyes to the ceiling, but do not allow your head to drop back.
Release back to center.
Prone Back Extension: Attempt this exercise only if your low back is free of pain. The only sensation you should feel while performing it is the muscles of the low back tightening as they work.
Lie face down on a mat with a folded towel under your forehead to ensure proper alignment of the head and neck with the spine
Bend your arms and rest your forearms on the floor, palms down
Press your pelvis into the floor and tighten the abdominals to support the low back
Lengthen the spine by reaching forward with the top of the head
Draw your shoulder blades down and together
Exhale as you lift your head and shoulders off the floor without pushing with your arms
Keep your nose down
Pause at the top, then inhale and slowly return to the start position without resting.
You can easily squeeze in these exercises during the course of your day – at your desk, watching TV or before you go to bed at night. Doing them frequently will help maintain good posture, keep length in the spine and improve your appearance. You’ll look and feel better!
For expert guidance, including step-by-step photos depicting how to perform all variations of the back extension, please check out the book Strength Training for Women by Joan Pagano at Joan Pagano Fitness
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