(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Most of us leave for work in a hurry. We are focused on the tasks and schedule of our day with limited thoughts about our spouse. If we are lucky we remember to give them a quick peck on the cheek. It is actually ironic that the most important person in our life gets the least attention as we leave. We are in a hurry and we assume that when we come home this person will be there just as they have been there every night for the past 10 or 20 years. We forget that a marriage is alive, and we must nurture it continually so it stays vibrant and healthy. What if this person weren’t here at night, or what if we weren’t? That’s the type of thinking that makes us remember this person’s significance in our life. So, just for today, imagine that you get to say goodbye to this person, whom you may not see tonight or ever. I am suggesting 15 ideas, but what would you say? Begin saying it tomorrow morning, and every morning for the next 20 years. Your marriage will improve, and you will notice both you and your spouse are happier.
Thank you for keeping me warm and secure last night.
You look nice in that blouse, shirt, tie, lipstick, etc…..
Thank you for sharing dinner with me last night (if they made dinner last night, make sure you thank them).
Thank you for being the best mom/dad to our child/children.
I like the way you held my hand last night, rubbed my neck (anything will do here as long as you tell them how it made you feel). It made me feel so loved.
I watched you as you slept this morning. You are so beautiful.
I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.
Let’s do something special just the two of us tonight.
I’ll text you or talk to you around noon, one, or two (it is important that your spouse knows you think about them during your busy day). A text or anything will do; what matters is there is a communication of some sort during the day.
Save time for me tonight.
No one has a better partner than me.
How can I help make your day better today?
How can I make you feel special tonight?
What is the song for the day (find a song you really like and make that your song. Then share it with your spouse and when you both hear it during the day it reminds you both of each other)?
The best decision in my life was marrying you.
None of us knows when it is our or our partner’s last day. What people miss about their significant other is never the car, boats, or house. It is all of these little things that were said and felt. Make sure your spouse has those little things stored in their memory. It is all of these little things that are said as you leave in the morning that make the day worth living, worth giving, and worth cherishing your partner.
–Mary Jo Rapini
For more information go to: Mary Jo Rapini
Twitter Mary Jo: @maryjorapini
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