(HealthNewsDigest.com)-Summer months bring an array of new activities that often put doing laundry on the back burner. However, vacations, outdoor activities and just relaxing in the sun can often result in extra stains and the need for more and more specific laundry cycles. As a result of this, higher energy bills often plague the summer months, prompting families to look for ways to save a few dollars while managing summer’s demands.
While no one can eliminate the need for Americans to do laundry this summer, brands such as Amana are hoping to make the task simple and easy, with less strain on the wallet. An online survey of 2,089 adults conducted in November on behalf of Whirlpool Corporation by Harris Interactive® revealed that 68 percent of consumers said they would search until they found the product they were looking for at the right price.
With this in mind, appliance makers are heeding consumer’s call. Amana has responded with Tandem™, a front-load laundry pair that features uniquely designed Touch and Go™ controls that make setting the various cycles easy and more convenient to navigate. Plus, the Tandem washer uses 73 percent less water and 76 percent less energy compared to conventional top-load washers, which can save consumers up to $100 each year.
To help make laundry even easier, the Institute of Fabric Science offers the following summer stain tips:
• Rust: Summer cleaning and yard work often lead to rust stains. A commercial rust remover intended for fabrics works best, followed by the warmest safe-temperature wash.
• Grass: To remove a grass stain, soak the garment in a mixture of detergent and water before washing it in the warmest water safe for the material. If necessary, follow up with a wash in color-safe bleach or liquid chlorine bleach for whites. Finish with an air-drying.
• Dirt: First, brush any excess dirt off of the garment and follow with a rinse in cold water to flush out the soils. Continue with a wash in the warmest water safe for the garment and, if necessary, follow up with a wash in color-safe bleach or liquid chlorine bleach for whites.
“With these simple yet effective stain-removal tips, people can better enjoy clean clothes and the warm-weather months with their families,” said Mary Zeitler, home economist with the Institute of Fabric Science. “Utilizing the Amana® Tandem™ laundry pair only strengthens the simplicity of laundry, and with the cost and energy bill savings it brings, people can either save or use their money on a summer vacation!”
For more tips and information, visit www.instituteoffabricscience.com/, www.amana.com or www.facebook.com/AmanaBrand.
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