closes this Monday, August 2nd
You are invited to share your expertise at the HIMSS Virtual Conference & Expo To be held November 3-4, 2010
Looking for Top Industry Leaders to Present
( – The HIMSS Virtual Conference & Expo is a fully interactive event that incorporates online learning, live chat, active movement in and out of exhibit booths and sessions, vendor presentations, contests and more.
Improving Health and Healthcare Through Meaningful Use of Health IT
The November 2010 HIMSS Virtual Conference & Expo will focus on the many aspects and opportunities for achieving meaningful use in different care settings, including community hospitals and clinical practices. Additionally, through two tracks, the educational program will highlight the innovative approaches, strategies, actions and awareness needed to transform healthcare.
Track 1: Health Information Exchanges: Facilitating the Adoption of HIT
This track will focus on aspects of the many challenges and opportunities HIEs face in operationalizing an exchange, and providers face in connecting with one or more HIEs.
Track 2: The Fundamentals of Achieving Meaningful Use: Real World Approaches
This track will focus on the tactics organizations and eligible providers are executing to comply with MU requirements.
Share your expertise…and experience!
This is a great opportunity to gain industry recognition for providing proven, best practices in the era of healthcare reform!
For more information on the Call for Proposals, visit or contact HIMSS Manager of Distance Education, Adam Bazer at [email protected]
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