Understand why this life-saving device is everywhere and how using it can save lives
(HealthNewsDigest.com) – Bradenton, Fla. October 27, 2010 – Would you know what to do if someone went into sudden cardiac arrest in a public place? More than 250,000 deaths occur each year as a result of sudden cardiac arrest and many of these deaths could be prevented with the immediate use of an automated external defibrillator (AED).
What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest? Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when the heart abruptly and unexpectedly ceases to function. In two-thirds of deaths caused by sudden cardiac arrest, there were no prior indicators of heart disease. However, individuals who have had a heart attack are at a greater risk for sudden cardiac arrest.
“Sudden cardiac arrest is usually an electrical problem in the heart and is not the same as a heart attack,” explains Kenneth Zide, M.D., a board-certified Cardiac Clinical Electrophysiologist at the Bradenton Cardiology Center. “When sudden cardiac arrest occurs, the heart usually beats too fast for an adequate blood pressure. There is no blood pumped through the body, resulting in loss of consciousness within seconds and death within minutes. Whereas, a heart attack is commonly caused by a blockage in an artery and may lead to death of a section of the heart muscle.”
It is important that sudden cardiac arrest victims receive immediate medical attention through the following steps:
1) Contact 911
2) Begin administering hands-only CPR
3) Use an AED
What is an AED? An AED is a medical device that uses an internal computer to check a person’s heart rhythm, recognize when a shock is needed, and advises the person using the device on what steps to take. The AED uses lights, text messages, computer visuals and voice prompts to guide the administrator.
AEDs are located in nearly all public locations, such as sports arenas, shopping malls, health clubs, office buildings, and in places catering to a higher risk population. However, very few individuals know how to use an AED.
Although AEDs were developed for laypersons to use, most health organizations recommend that an individual at least have CPR training. This is because the AED operator must be able to recognize the signs of sudden cardiac arrest, know when to activate the equipment and understand how to administer CPR.
Lack of Comfort Administering AEDs
Unfortunately, most individuals do not feel comfortable responding in this type of emergency situation. In a recent survey conducted by the Heart Rhythm Society, people were asked how they would respond if they witnessed a sudden cardiac arrest event and results showed 42 percent would call 911 and wait for emergency personnel to respond, 35 percent would administer CPR and only 16 percent of respondents would use an AED.
“AEDs were developed and are widely dispersed in public places for the sole purpose of saving lives,” comments Zide. “If the average person is not familiar with the device and is uncomfortable using it in an emergency situation, then it does not serve its purpose.”
Training programs on CPR and AEDs are available through many organizations, such as American Heart Association and the Red Cross.
About Bradenton Cardiology Center:
Bradenton Cardiology Center is a full service heart center located in Bradenton. Founded by Doctors George Thomas and Ballard Smith in 1984, the team of cardiologists has expertise in all areas of invasive and non-invasive cardiac testing and treatment. The center is a complete cardiac care facility. Bradenton Cardiology Center provides superior care in professional medicine while providing a personal, compassionate approach with patient care. Bradenton Cardiology Center is located on 316 Manatee Ave. West, Bradenton. For more information, visit www.BradentonHeart.com or call 941.748.2277.
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