(HealthNewsDigest.com)-According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, more than 10 million Americans are affected by TMD, temporomandibular jaw joint disorder, also known as TMJ. TMD causes a bad bite, meaning the upper and lower teeth don’t close together properly.
Migraines, ear infections and sleep apnea are early warning signs of this common dental condition, which left untreated could lead to other issues and possibly even death, according to the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, a postgraduate dental training facility.
The good news is that TMD is treatable and treating this jaw disorder may also improve these related conditions.
The disorder affects men, women and children. Although women are more likely to report pain, in men-who commonly ignore these symptoms-the disorder causes damage to teeth, gums, bones and joints. When teeth are misaligned, the muscles in your head and neck are strained and constantly trying to find a more relaxed position.
The first step in getting the right treatment is to visit a specially trained neuromuscular dentist for a comprehensive evaluation. An in-depth evaluation electronically measures the strain of your jaw muscles. Using computer analysis, the dentist locates your jaw’s most comfortable resting position. If the new jaw position eliminates your pain, the dentist can fit you with crowns and veneers to permanently hold this new relaxed position.
It’s not a task just any dentist can do.
“Only 5 percent of the world’s dentists are trained in neuromuscular dentistry,” says Dr. Mark Duncan, clinical director at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.
To learn more and to locate a neuromuscular dentist, visit www.leadingdentist.com.
TMD is also known as a bad bite, meaning the upper and lower teeth don’t close together properly.
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