(HealthNewsDigest.com) – November 11th is Veteran’s Day, and we are all thinking about our soldiers who are serving their country so far away. A long distance relationship can be exciting and novel when it involves two people willing to make it work. The novelty and excitement wears off when the long distance relationship involves loving a soldier. Worry and stress fill its place. It’s one thing to be able to plan romantic weekends, fancy hotels, and fine dining. It’s quite another when your significant other is somewhere in the world that is dangerous and there is little chance you will see them for months at a time. When two people are committed and in love anything is possible. The key seems to be within each person’s ability to live in the present and make the most of any form of communication possible. Below are a few ideas that may make that distance seem a little less distant and deepen your level of understanding what the true meaning of love is:
1. Communicate in some way every day. That can be an email, a letter, a prayer, or putting together a care package. As long as you are thinking of your soldier, you are communicating. When someone is so far away little things become big things. A small care package with their favorite cologne or perfume means so much. Pictures of you and your family make the distance seem reachable. A funny cartoon or photo lets your soldier know they are still very much on your mind.
2. Talk to your soldier about how you feel in regards to the distance. Let them know that you worry, and anticipate their return. Depth in a relationship grows when two people share their concerns openly. Do you feel lonely for their touch? Do you worry about them not feeling the same way about you when they come home? Discussing these feeling broaden your ability to trust each other with your inner most self.
3. Keep a schedule. Having down time to think is difficult when you and your beloved are far apart. Staying busy makes the time go faster, and it also helps you focus on life instead of worrying about your soldier. If your soldier knows you are enjoying life and staying busy it will help them know you are okay. This eases their mind too, if they know you are taking care of yourself and the family.
4. Make plans for your reunion with your soldier. Make sure you have time together with the whole family, as well as each other alone. It’s important that you schedule and protect private time to reconnect and hold each other. Being apart is stressful and this time of coming together is healing for both of you. Don’t fill the time home with family parties and friends. Allow the silence and reconnecting and give it space.
5. Trust is not an option when you love a soldier; it is a necessity. When you get anxious or miss your soldier the most it is easy to wonder if they are feeling the same about you. They are too far away to be reassured when you are feeling isolated or alone. Leaning to trust their love is the single most important aspect of loving a soldier who is far away.
When you love a soldier you understand that every moment is a possible memory. You savor the present because life doesn’t offer you an alternative. Most of us need to remind ourselves that this could be our last day, but we live it. You live having to trust, you live having to have faith in each other’s love. As all things in life, having a long distance relationship with a soldier is an opportunity to be the closest to anyone you will ever be. On this Veteran’s Day I want to say “thank you” to all the Veteran’s and military personal serving our Country.” You are not alone, you are not forgotten”. –Mary Jo Rapini
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