Calls for Quick House Passage to Ensure Continuity of Care for Seniors
( – “The AMA congratulates the Senate for its bipartisan action to preserve seniors’ access to care by stopping next year’s steep 25 percent Medicare physician payment cut. Stopping the cut for one year will inject some much needed stability into the system for seniors and physician practices who have spent this year in limbo because of five short-term delays.
“The AMA will be working closely with congressional leadership in the new year to develop a long-term solution to this perennial Medicare problem for seniors and their physicians. This one-year delay comes right as the oldest baby boomers reach age 65, adding urgency to the need for a long-term solution before this demographic tsunami swamps the Medicare program.
“The AMA thanks Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Finance Committee Ranking Member Charles Grassley and President Obama for their leadership. We look forward to building on this bipartisan effort to develop a workable long-term solution to the broken physician payment system that bedevils seniors, military families and physicians.
“We urge the House to quickly pass this critical legislation before the January 1 deadline when the 25 percent Medicare cut is set to begin.”
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