(HealthNewsDigest.com) – ‘Tis the season for eating, so ’tis time to burn a few of these holiday calories! Holiday eating, drinking and merry -making can add up to gaining extra pounds. But we can also burn a few, because burning more over time adds up to weight control. Let me say now that burning calories is the other half of the weight loss equation over the long haul! So let’s get started now, let’s make it a habit, and make it a way of thinking all year long. While I’m referring to all exercise including strength training, aerobic exercise, yoga etc., I’m also referring to low to moderate level daily physical activity, which many of us don’t even consider exercise. But low level activity such as regular paced walking does burn calories, and if done long enough, body fat stores will be used as the primary source of fuel (think of a wood fire that continues to burn after the flames lower)!
I love food and most of us do, yet how many of us focus more on what not to eat, rather than burning more calories? Caloric restriction is important in any weight loss plan, but caloric expenditure or what I like to coin “Burning Calories” (I say this as I pull my vacuum out), really is half the equation. After all, wouldn’t we like to burn a little more so we can restrict a little less?
Okay, just what significant effect does exercise have on weight loss? In a study reported by the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports Medicine, a small group of “average weight” women performed intense, medium and light exercise on a stationary bicycle on 3 separate sessions after an overnight fast. The results showed a significant effect in a post-exercise burn.
Using scientific methods to measure fat oxidation (this means the amount of fat we burn ) after each bout of exercise as well as a measurement from a control group on a non -exercise day, researchers found that the amount of fat burned regardless of the type of exercise, was greater still at 11 -1/2 hours post, than the amount of fat burned on a non -exercise day. (All variables, exercise and activity, food intake etc. were controlled and remained exactly the same for the purpose of study). The intense exercise showed the greatest burn (no surprise!). Interestingly, the dietary fat eaten during the post exercise phase in all exercise groups appeared to be burned at a greater rate than dietary fat burned during non exercise days (more stored on the hips, that is!).
So, what is the possible significance of this study? All exercise or stationary cycling as shown from this study, points to a heightened usage of fat especially dietary fat as a source of fuel by the body as long as 11- 1/2 hours later. As stated: “Prior exercise increases subsequent utilization of dietary fat”. (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2002; 34(11):1757-1765) Of course, let’s remember that one study does not make fact!
In another study, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (technical way of saying fat burning/calorie burning) was measured using four groups; running, strength training, running/strength training exercise session combo, and strength training/ running exercise session combo. The results showed a significant exercise after- burn within the first two hours of all four types of exercise sessions. Most interesting, the strength training only exercise group and the run-strength training group had the highest exercise after-burn (running time 25 minutes at moderate-high intensity, strength training at moderate-high intensity). Significance to us? This one study (Again, let’s remember it is only one study with a select group of moderately active young males) indicates that we may burn more calories post exercise if we do our cardio exercise first before our strength training in our exercise sessions. (Drummond, M.J. et. al. 2005. Aerobic and resistance exercise sequence affects excess post exercise oxygen consumption. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 19 (2), 332-37)
Okay, so let’s look at a few “burnt calories” for the average 140 LB woman after 30 minutes of
Stationary cycling (150 watts): 240 calories
Running (5 m.p.h.) 350 calories
Walking: during a lunch break: 150 calories
Calisthenics: 150 calories
Food shopping (without eating food of course!): 100 calories
House cleaning (moderate): 125 calories
Vacuuming (This makes me feel better!) 150 calories
And pasted from the National Council on Strength and Fitness (www.ncsf.org)
Male 174 lbs
Food Kcal Activity Kcal
1 cup eggnog 343 6.0 mph Run /25 min 353
2 oz. of Swedish meatballs 100 8 mph cycling (Flat)/20 min 120
1 piece pecan pie (1/8 of 9-in pie) 480 Shoveling (Moderate)/60 min 498
1 tablespoon ranch dressing 75 Yoga/20 min 83
6 ounces cured ham 300 Weightlifting/17 min total work 162
6 ounces white and dark turkey 340 Hockey (Ice/Field)/34 min 352
½ cup cranberry sauce 190 Pilates/ 28 min 194
½ cup green bean casserole 225 3.5 mph walking/47 min 227
1 turkey sandwich with mayo and cranberry sauce 450 Skiing 4 mph/41 min 453
1 open-face turkey sandwich with stuffing and gravy 290 Chopping Wood/ 35 min 290
Let’s remember that the calories burned in the above chart are for guys weighing in at 174 Lbs. while the calories eaten are for us all! Now, while we may not be able to run, cycle or strength train every day, there are more ways to burn our calories than just at the gym. Think little activities don’t add up? Well, they do. Stand instead of sitting, take the stairs instead of the elevator, get up every hour from your office chair, and even fidget a bit more. According the experts at Mayo Clinic, we can burn up to an extra 350 calories more per day just through lots of little activities. But, keep in mind, that even if we didn’t reduce our food by a single calorie, we could lose about 10 LBs in one year just by burning an extra 100 calories a day (of course, we can’t add an extra 100 either!)!
Can we think of ways to burn an extra few over the holidays (yes, that burns a few too!)?
June M. Lay M.S.
Follow me Junefit on Twitter every Sunday for a new weight loss tool taken from my book, and follow my blogs at Voskos Greek Yogurt with “Holiday Trade-Off”! Go to http://www.voskos.com/fresh/
Check out this site http://www.caloriecontrol.org/exercalc.html to calculate approximately, how many calories you can burn for lot’s of activities!
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